
the easiest way would be some potting soil, since they are prefertilized u will want to give the soil a flushing to get some of the nutrients out. also it will have enough npk for your seedlings to depend on.


Well-Known Member
I like Pro-Mix, it's sterile, not too expensive and I have never had an issue with it. Most potting soils will need some amendments though. Some sand and a little more perlite will increase drainage. Fox Farm makes a starter fertilizer that would be a good soil conditioner, Espoma Plant-Tone is also a good additive and will support your plants for a few weeks without burning them. You want the soil to drain well but not TOO well, made that mistake, had to water twice a day on my old grow :roll:


Well-Known Member
Heres a cheap, and easy soilmix, that most be can get. Alot of people dont have acess to hydro shops or head shops so you can get all this at walmart.
Go to walmart pick up some organic miracle grow. Buy some miracle grow all purpose water soluble, and miracle grow bloom. Also get Perlite and Peat moss. Mix the perlite and the peatmoss into the organic miracle grow. Dont use any nutrients for the first 3-4 weeks. After that start at 1/3 strength. use the all purpose, 2 weeks into flowering. Then use the Bloom. 2 weeks before harvest, flush your soil, and use only water, or if your using molasses use the molasses as well. Also you could get some Organic nutrients at walmart I know they have fish emulsion, its 5-1-1 that would be ok for veg, and I dont know what else they have. But if you want to go all organics, dont get the MG, becuase it is not organic.

Not the best soil mix, but it works good, and I have used it with great results. Grow on buddy : )