soils not drying out and plants are dieing

i have some babies and the soil got really wet. some of them are starting to die. what should i do. i stirred some of the soil around to try to help it dry. i dont know if that will help or not. anyone have any ideals.


Well-Known Member
Pictures would be a great help in this situation.

If the leaves are droopy, this is an indication of over watering. Just leave the soil a few days to drain out.

Aside from this, there is no possible diagnosis ANYONE on this site can make, given your lack luster description of symptoms, and the fact that you did not provide any photographs.

Solve the forementioned issues, and I am sure you will get lots of help, fast!
well i watered them and didnt realize they were still sitting in water until the next day. so after 5 days they are still really heavy. i know whats wrong. i need to know what to do about wet soil. and if moving the soil will help with this problem. i dont need you to see pictures to tell me they got to much water. thanks tho
Sounds like the water is trapped in the pots. There should be holes in the pots to allow the water to drain out. If it's indoors, there should be a pan to catch the water. stirring the soil will not help, and would likely damage the plant's root structure.

Da Silva Satia

Active Member
well i watered them and didnt realize they were still sitting in water until the next day. so after 5 days they are still really heavy. i know whats wrong. i need to know what to do about wet soil. and if moving the soil will help with this problem. i dont need you to see pictures to tell me they got to much water. thanks tho
i dont think dyzel meant that you should post the pics to show that its overwatered, I am pretty sure you are capable of doing that yourself
maybe what he meant is to see setup or if you need to take immediate action.....

PG brings up a good it indoor or out?

If you have some other pot you might want to try a transplant with new soil........or wait it out for a few days.....if you have a lot of heat that will help evaporate it.
Whats your watering schedule looking like?


Active Member
make sure the pot has good drainage, like poke holes on the bottom. if you want you can try and repot with drier soil but be extremely careful not to damage roots.