

Well-Known Member
hey I would like some opionions on what the best medium to grow plants in. I would be watering them by hand.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
hey DUR :)

if you are new to the sport, i would recommend fox farm soil. You should also consider PERLITE. You can mix perlite into your soil and also put it at the bottom of your containers (about a 1/2 inch).

Perlite is a porous rock that does not absorb water. It allows your plants to be OVER WATERED without killing them. it also makes FLUSHING easy. Many new growers over water and over feed their plants. Perlite is kinda like insurance.



Well-Known Member
knowm, ocean forest already has perlite mixed in to the according levels. all he/she has to do is open the bag and put it into a pot. thats it. the perlite at the bottom is a great idea and you should try it DUR

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Correct MR. MEAT!

Lots of soils have perlite already included..

You can always add more... as a saftey pre-caution.. with NO risks! Perlite is GREAT.



Well-Known Member
I always add lots of perlite....keeps soil light and fluffy....prevents soil from getting too soggy......provides better aeration...also, for large outdoor containers, it helps keep the weight lower so big-ass containers are easier to move.
Regarding soils, almost anything will work.....however....some are better than others and, as in almost all aspects of life, it is mostly about personal preferences...

this is my preferred soil mix....I add more perlite and vermiculite to it, as well as dolomite lime.

Premier Horticulture – PRO-MIX growing mixes & Peat Moss: The ultimate growing performance