Soil Vs. Deep Water Culture



I have hopefully a quick question. I'm completely new to all this MJ growing. I haven't started any seedlings yet, just getting my ducks in arrow before I start.

I was wondering what is a preferred growing medium for my situation?: growing in soil, or growing them in a deep water culture system?

I have a 4x4 dark room tent w/a 600w conversion ballast for MH & HPS. I am only going to be growing 2-4 MJ plants at a time for my personal use only - so I'm not sure which medium to use. And which brand nutrients should use? I'm in Halifax, Canada so all of the popular brands ex: Fox Farm, & Advance Nutrients have to be ordered, are they worth ordering or can I get my nutrients at Home Depot?

Thank you so kindly :)

Hidden Door

i'm new to hydro growing myself and if you can mantain water temps the out come is amazing. as far as soil growing goes i used miracle grow potting soil and had some pretty sweet outcomes. out of the 2 i would choose hydro.