Soil to hydro transplant. question/s


Active Member
Ok so yesterday my buddy gave me his old DWC drip setup, I did haqve a clone of some LA Confidential that was in a pot of miracle grow organic choice. Now I know that MG is horrible, and thats why I transplanted it into the DWC setup about 8 hours ago. The way I did it was fill a bucket of water, take the plant out of the pot, and then I dunked the entire soil/root mass into the bucket and swished around gently until the soil was gone. The root system was 12 inches long and healthy.
I have the reservoir filled to a little less than an inch from the bottom of the roots. I am unable to purchase nutrients until the first of this coming month, however my buddy gave me a bottle of GH floracious plus (2.8-0.8- 0.02) as well as a bottle of dark energy plant nutrient additive.
I decided on adding a tiny bit of floracious plus to the water for temporary nutrients so I check the PPM before adding anything and it was at 295. I took a water dropper and added 3 drops of the floracious plus(dosage is 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons of water.) After this I checked the PPM once again and it was at 360. Then I checked PH which was at 6.8 and used ph down to get it to 5.6. The PPM then read out to 390. From what I was told a good PPM for smaller plants is around 300-400 PPM?
Obviously I cannot use floracious plus only for growing, and I plan on going with the GH floranova grow and bloom. The friend who gave me this setup has had nice plants with it using this brand So I will take his advice on it. If someone has input on any noob friendly hydro nutes for reasonable prices it would be of great help.

Here she is now. She hasn't gotten droopy at all or anything, I'm assuming she would show signs of stress within 8 hours of being in hydro? I son't know like I said so if someone could help answer that would be cool.

hydrolacon.jpgIf anyone who has experience with transplanting a plant from soil to hydro can help give advice or any helpful information it would be MUCH appreciated

Thanks for reading.
Oh awesome thank you for that link, very helpful. So far shes still doing good, her leaves havent drooped at all.
I did FIM this plant about a week back and it seems like an amount of growth has happened over the past 16 hours already. I'll give her a few more days to make sure shes good before doing anything else. New pics in a couple days.
yeah MJ responds so quickly its not funny , there 1 of the few plants in the world that follow the sunlight during the day , when i tie my plants down "lst" it only takes them a few hours be4 there facing the sun. GL man