Soil or Soiless???


Active Member
curious as to the pros / cons on using a soiless mix...... better than using soil? im assuming with a soiless u have better control over the nutes & ph etc etc..... thought id chek with a few of you experts! thnx in advance...... :peace:


Well-Known Member
I do SunShine#4... (soil-less) looks like soil, feels like soil, but lighter and a bit more forgiving in my opinion. She's also nice and airy and doesn't mind being pretty wet constantly.


Well-Known Member
soilless if much easier and cheaper than soil once you setup you only need ph and nuts supplies a dwc setup can be made for less than 50 excluding lighting and it will grow some monsters soilless is also easier to diagnoise problems as the plants respond almost imediatly to treatment you veg time can be cut in half thanks to the faster growth and you'll yield will be larger there's a nice write up building dwc In the Faq neways hope this helps