Soil Or Hydro?


Well-Known Member
Hey folks i just had some trouble in my fist grow it was hydro, it was not to the fact that iut was hydro, i was doe to forces of natures, but anyways, i wanna start as soon as possible with my next one and I want to decide wich way to go i want all of you to help decide, thats everyone in advance

soil and hydro both grow well. if you're new try soil it's a little more foregiving, and you can come out with easily comparable results to hydro
The fact is you can grow just as big and potent buds in soil as you can hydro and vice versa. One is not better than the other, just different. Its asking which is better nike or adidas. You are going to get a million different answers...errr opinions. Maybe the only advantage of hydro is its a little faster but even that is an opinion. It all depends on the grower. Ive seen some soil grows put hydro to shame, only because they were great growers. So just do whats best for you, there isnt a better way. But just remember, next time your power goes out your soil wont get fucked up :) I mean you could always spend MORE money on your hydro system and get a generator. Hydro systems are expensive you know, haha.
Soil. I'd like to agree with the nike vs adidas anology but I cannot. Those are two different brands that operate within the same market. Hydro vs Soil are two completely different applications.. that's like comparing mountain climbing to surfing. If you had trouble identifying the pH and PPM (or if you don't have the equipment to do so) and are tight on cash (which I'm assuming is why your power went out for 3 days), go soil.. but furthermore, the next time your "forces of nature" don't pay the electric bill... soil isn't going to forgive you for being in the dark. Pay your EBill
Nope, if the power goes out you can at least put them outside to get light in soil. As for comparing nike and adidas that was a great analogy. Soil and hydro are 2 different ways of doing the same thing (growing a plant). Same for nike and adidas. 2 different ways of making something that covers your feet.
see my grow journal u'll see why my power went out, i live in an island in the caribean that just got hit by hurricaine "noel", thats forces of nature, tight on suplly cuz theres non here, just by internet, so gonna go soil this time, to see the results, i was looking at some premix soil at the only big harware store here, gonna get the specs to see what u guys think.
It depends there's regular topsoil, we have miracle-gro premixed soil....Now I took used miracle-gro premixed and a good handfull of organic blood meal, mixed all that shit together and soaked it all with water (mine is softened and purified with potassium chloride) mixed with crushed calcium and vitamin D tablets. The Calcium Carbonate will "enzymatically" assist in the uptake of Nitrogen (and other nutrients). I do this a week before transplanting.

I start my seeds in papertowels in a plastic bag and throw em on the water heater...after they get an inch or so or the first set of leaves is free but probably not green (nitrogen defficient), thats when I transplant into the above mixture.

I transplanted and so far so good....

Pics tomorrow, too stoned to try and find a USB cord...

As i said before. Neither is better than the other. The only arguement ive seen in favor of hydro is maybe bigger yeilds. But if the right person grows in soil they can get just as good results as a person growing hydro. You will also find alot of people saying bud grown in soil taste and burns better. Yes, this is usually true. But good soil in the wrong hands can taste just as bad as hydro in the wrong hands. Its a personal preference is all. They both can be good or bad depending on the grower. Me, i choose totally organic soil :)
i find that true also. i prefer hydro because im a techie type of person so it goes hand in hand with what i do best. my soil grows sucked azz. my hydro grows always turn out great because i can control every aspect of the grow. i never could get it together with soil. ok im rambling (put the bong down) what im trying to say is try them both and u will know which one u like better. P.S. u can kill the chemical taste by flowering in dh20 for the last week to 10 days before harvesting.
i'm currently planning up my new set up, and im sticking to hydro, cuz i has given great results not counting on that inconvinient that i has, but i solve that too, got my hands on a 1.2 kw power inverter that should come thru if any power problems come my way in the future, just need to get everything before i start again, im missing some mylar some little case fans, a small oscilating fan and ph and ppm pens