Soil , liquid nutrients , and a Newbie with acres


Well-Known Member
ok so finally figured out how to amend my soil to a ph of 6.0-7.0 now I'm on to liquid nutrients and a feeding schedule . Using the GH Flora Nova series also have GH Bio Root 0-0-1 a bottle of Vitamin B1, Alaska™Fish Fertelizer , FoxFarms Big Grow and Ph⬆Ph⬇ .... Now this is the thing I'm in a bit of a competition with a person who claims to have grown before nd l oww what he's doin but we just lost 100 clones under his guidance 6 clones survived (getting more ) we just potted them in our greenhouse i know they died because he was mixing B1 and Bio root for every DAILY watering without a thought to the pH levels. For my survivors and my next batch of clones please tell me a schedual what days do I feed with nutes what's days should I feed with just water , also do I top feed them with nutes or just water ?

mr buddy

Well-Known Member
Once a week feed other times just ph water on feed mix nuts with water and top feed until you have run off . Tey 3 day interval's with watering


Well-Known Member
Sorry but I gotta be super exact ... when you say "Feed"you mean water w/nutes @ a PH of 6.0-7.0 right ?

Also using the days of the week here You mean : Sunday-Water,Monday-Nothing,Tuesday-Water , Wednesday-Nothing, Thursday "Feed" , Friday Nothing, Saturday Water ? OR Sunday-"Feed" Monday-Nothing , Tuesday-Nothing, Wednesday-Water, Thursday-Nothing , Friday-Nothing , Saturday water ??? And when do I top Feed and is itbwib the same nute mix (sorry couldn't understand the last message ) and I hope you can tell by me grammar in my text how much I care bout This


Well-Known Member
K.I.S.S keep it simple stupid! Until you master your growing skills start with 1. A plant 2. Soil 3. Water

Nutrients over complicate things for beginners and are OPTIONAL most soil already has enough nutes in it for your whole grow cycle.

If your a soil less grower (like coco) then you need nutes.

Want to grow a big plant in soil naturally? Feed it shit. Bat shit, rabbit shit, chicken shit, fish shit. Stay away from things that eat processed foods like human shit and dogs shit etc.

Sounds gross but it works.

You should not need anything other than water for clones. If using a humidity dome just spray the dome once every couple days.


Well-Known Member
The vitamins can be dosed every 10 days, that is about how long they give protection to the plant.
Healthy soil should have enough of most things. The important part is to compost organic material over the soil to make up for what you take out in grow season.

mr buddy

Well-Known Member
Sorry but I gotta be super exact ... when you say "Feed"you mean water w/nutes @ a PH of 6.0-7.0 right ?

Also using the days of the week here You mean : Sunday-Water,Monday-Nothing,Tuesday-Water , Wednesday-Nothing, Thursday "Feed" , Friday Nothing, Saturday Water ? OR Sunday-"Feed" Monday-Nothing , Tuesday-Nothing, Wednesday-Water, Thursday-Nothing , Friday-Nothing , Saturday water ??? And when do I top Feed and is itbwib the same nute mix (sorry couldn't understand the last message ) and I hope you can tell by me grammar in my text how much I care bout This
If your in soil check how long it has feed in it . And water say Monday then Thursday so on .. soil holds moisture better so you only need it to stay moist over watering is bad same as under watering. .your plants will tell you when they need water trust me .. I went through so many issues with mine but now I let them tell me any regular pattern is OK but can still be overkill. Check soil ph regular. Feed as needed .keep temp and humidity right with good air flow and let them do the rest


Well-Known Member
Okay I am a noob myself with cannabis. Well not quite true as I grew some in the '70's, but cannabis has changed a LOT since then. Still I have a bit of a green thumb with most plants... except cacti.

I know that a lot of people swear by hydroponic grows, but soil growing has been proven for centuries. No offense to the hydro folks.

The main thing is to start with GOOD SOIL Either buying it or mixing it up yourself. You didn't state( or I overlooked it) what kind of cannabis you have. Some take a finer touch tbh.

Composted soil is pretty hard to beat, because you can use it over and over again assuming you take care of it and use natural stuff on it. Use chemical fertilizer and that will put salt in the soil which is BAD, really it is.

Soil should have fairly good drainage, but not too much. The reason I say natural soil is because it will have living things IN THE SOIL that will protect the PH and the roots. Roots are the heart of the plant. They pump everything needed to the rest of the plant, except CO2, and sunlight. The leaves are the lungs for the CO2, and the skin to soak up the sunlight. Stems are the bones supporting it all and holding it all together. The roots drink the water and nutrients. Kinda like Gatorade for us. Not enough and it will die. Too much and it will drown. This is why the stuff your soil is made of is so important. It has to be the right mix for the plant, regardless if it is cannabis or tomatoes or cattail.

If you have "living soil", you shouldn't have to worry too much about the PH, assuming that it is the right PH in the beginning, the living things keep it in balance for that plant, that soil, that water environment.

Some people call it "organic" , but it is just natural. If you have everything right from the beginning, and it's an "easy keeper" plant ( good for beginners) then you shouldn't have to do anything but water. Not too dry, not too wet, and you should win the contest.


Well-Known Member
It says it's living but I called Kellogg's soil brand and they told me thier soil is way alkaline so I should add ammonium sulfate or moss I got a bag of ammonium sulfate 24-0-0 laying around was gonna see how much I have to add to. BRing down the ph in 100gl if nebody know the math to that lmk


Well-Known Member
This is the power of composted horse manure. I sowed grass seed on the composted horse manure and this is 4 days later. This is on top of clay where I had to fix a busted water line.

My neighbor tilled up his soil, added 10-10-10 and his grass seed took about a week, maybe a little more, to come up like this.

I also used Kellogg's organic soil and added the composted horse manure to the soil along with some sand for my plants.



Well-Known Member

I've found the ph meter on these is crap but the moisture part works great. It will help you judge you soil moisture levels. The amount of water you put onto it will vary depending on temperatures and numerous other factors. Learning to read your plants and the soil is important. Schedules are great but you have to know when to tweak them. Good luck and don't over-analyze it it's just a weed.