Soil: How often do you personally water?


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I'm wondering how often you personally water in soil. Let's say for a 3 gallon pot. I understand that there are other factors, but I'm looking for general information.

Every two days first few weeks. Then every other day. In 3 gals you’ll have some waterings everyday when they get bigger. Depends how big they get really
Generally in soil, you should not be in a container bigger than the plant. If the plant is the right size in a 3 gallon pot, you will initially water once every 4-7 days depending on variables. As the plant gets bigger, the watering will be more frequent. Once you have to water every 3 days its time to transplant or you better be finishing. When attempting to finish in a 3 gallon pot, you will get to a point of daily watering or watering every other day, again depending on variables. Personally, i know this because i do it all too often. Starter plugs>solos>1 gallons>3 gallons in a 2 light rotation, harvesting every 65-70 days. Cheers
My last 'round was every 4 days in soil (Black Gold Natural/Organic) in 5gal bags. Could stretch it to 5 as needed or go a little short. Just moved to ProMix HP+ and I'm hoping it's more like 3 days. I just dropped seeds last week into .75gal pots, and unsurprisingly, with new seedlings, I've not watered at all in a week.
In 12.5L pots every other day during flower. Maybe every day in the summer as it is a bit hotter during the dark period. In veg probably every 3rd day, ish. If I am unsure I just feel the weight of the pot. You get the hang of it and find your own way after a bit.
Larger plants in 3gal pots...every two days.
Smaller plants in 3gal pots...every 3 days.
I always wait until they are light when picking up though.
I have a plant in a 3 gallon pot that still does not feel totally light after like 9 days of not watering. I think my soil sucks and the 3 gallon plastic pot has not let the middle / lower portion of media dry out
I water when the moisture level of the soil requires it which depends on a variety of factors including size of plant, size of pot, temperature, etc...
I have a plant in a 3 gallon pot that still does not feel totally light after like 9 days of not watering. I think my soil sucks and the 3 gallon plastic pot has not let the middle / lower portion of media dry out
What kind of soil are you using? Did you add perlite or anything similar to it to assist in drainage? Did you pack the soil in or do you leave it somewhat fluffy? I prefer fabric pots....when I use plastic they tend to stay wetter longer.
When you say light, how light? As light as comparable sizes of dry media?

Get a plant. Plant it into a fresh batch of your medium. Feel the weight, that is your dry weight. The water it until you get a little runoff, feel the weight, that is your watered weight. You want to water when it is half way between the two. Then water it slowly until you get a little run off. You'll get the hang of it.

Just remember to always water slowly, you can't take it back out if you over do it. Never let the soil dry out too much, some soils can turn hydrophobic if left to dry out. This means all the water will run through the pot and not be absorbed the medium.