Soil grow - asking 4 recommendations

Hi guys

My first post here, but i have been reading for quite some time now. I know some things and have still a lot to learn.

For now, Questions are regarding an indoor soil system.

so the plan is to have this indoor soil system in a really tiny place measure 23x37x(60+) inches.

it is a SCROG design and the seeds are bag seeds that happened to be accompanied with a very rare, surprisingly not-as-bad tasting and a high quality dirt-mexican-schwag weed. This is an experimental/beta grow fyi and i want to finish it as efficiently as possible and as cheap as possible. (I've made my mind up on sog/scrog, plz no debate on that.thnx)

I also intend to make this grow a rather small and quick one and am mainly interested in the course of this experience.

max TOTAL start-up budget: $70-100 (lights, lil things for setup, first round of nutrients/supplements,etc)

Max monthly maintenance budget: $20-30

It should be noted the system will use up to 3 fluorescent light bulbs due to the small budget. for now what I have considered are the GE 42w screw-in CFLs which give out 2700 initial lumens. I know the soft white is available and I assume the cool white color must also be available to give a better color spectrum, if not i can use weaker cool white bulbs. i know none of these will come near HPS & MH in their performance, but cost-wise this is the best thing i can afford atm and my expectations are at the same level and I have read in various places that u could get relatively good quality harvests using CFLs... surely not some icy exotic looking buds, but acceptable for some poor person like me and better than the seedy and low quality mexicans

Now, with all the above in mind, plz give me your suggestions regarding the following:

1. Surrounding surfaces: White paper cover vs. aluminium foil?

2. For the most efficient, yet quickest harvest, how far away from the top of grow medium should I setup the chicken fence.

3. What is my best bet for soil fertilizer which perhaps could provide some of those micro-elements contained in hydro fertilizers... or any other solution in this regard? (mix n match)

4. Do i need to care for additives and extra supplements under these circumstances, will they have any effect?

5. humidity avergaes about 50-60%, will it be a problem for mold in my tiny and enclosed system, I will have air circulation within the area, however... (read 6)

6. Do I need to care for an exhaust to outside of the grow area, simply for air circulation purposes or will the fan in the enclosed system suffice?

7. plz do provide any and all other tips and suggestions that come to mind, anything that can help a soil grow, i'm even open to new ideas regarding lightning if there is evidence the operating cost can be controlled and comes out cheap

Your help and ideas are highly apprecaited in advance! :peace: :weed:

I have had no experience whatsoever in this matter n my reading has been limited to what is freely available on the internet, the parts i have come across so far tho