Soil germination pot size type help!!!!!!!!!

Hi all need bit of advice as i guess most posts are for but my problem is indecession i have always germinated my seeds in kitchen towl. I then transplanted in to yogurt pots (general budget size pots eg125g) that i slit down sides and stick back together with tape for easy transplant. I always use biox bizz soil light mix in the pots and then all mix in main pots. So do people think these pots are to small or any issues as these ones are also clear through i havent had problems before but just wanted to check i was not causing issues to my plants at early stages also not sure i used clear ones before need advice fast as could really do with potting my now germinated seeds??


Active Member
Good idea about taping up a split pot. NEVER use clear containers to grow in. Roots turn green and stop growing in the presents of light. Good luck!
Ah ok was worried clear maybe issue guess black duck tape all the way round my pots it is yeah always split them first just to make that much easier to transplant i do try to care lol.


Active Member
That is a good idea with the taping. Flipping them also works well. I would aim for something about 6" deep for seedlings. Care for the roots as much as you care for the plant.
My final pots are only 8" deep i tend to transplant quiet early as well so hopefully it aint hurting them, but will bare that in mind and try and find something deeper next time. I dont like to flip em as the biobix light soil is to loose and they tend to fall apart specially when swapping them early as roots not so strong.