sog question


Well-Known Member
So i've been wondering what the benefit is to doing a sog as opposed to what i'm doing now. Now, I have 9/10 plants. I veg until about 18” it seems I waste space due to the heavy foliage and weak popcorn bud. I have a 4x4 table, 1000w light. Can I yield more off of a sog and if so how many plants should I have on my 4x4 flood and drain table? Here is my current grow, notice how think the foliage is.

John Jacob

Active Member
damn its a jungle in there, well theres a couple of things you can do here.

1. If you want to SOG, veg for much shorter of time add a few more plants (you should be able to fit a plant per sq foot so 16+) and trim all of the under bottom foliage and branches so you get about 16+ top colas (so no popcorn bud at all). Cutting the veg time this will cut down your over crowding which hurts your yield a lot, more foliage isnt always better.

2. I always point people in the scrog direction, the screen you put above your plants will allow you to separate the branches to their own individual hole in the screen and also be able to decide which branches are most mature and which are going to make little popcorn buds. Look into Lollipopping this should explain what to do with those bottom branches that make popcorn bud (hint: snip snip)

Good luck!


Active Member
look on the thread someone has posted ` get harvest every 2 weeks` , scrog will yeild more per plant an sog will yeild faster as theres little or even know veg time. u dont need to veg clones so flowering starts from 6 inches on wards if u had to put a height number to it. i suggest read that thread as that guy is a pro. goodluck

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
look on the thread someone has posted ` get harvest every 2 weeks` , scrog will yeild more per plant an sog will yeild faster as theres little or even know veg time. u dont need to veg clones so flowering starts from 6 inches on wards if u had to put a height number to it. i suggest read that thread as that guy is a pro. goodluck
I like getting Fucted....LOLZ!


Active Member
lol, im asuming zips is ounces, well ive seen friends of mine scrog about 16 ounces per plant, but scrog to that standard takes a long veg. as for sog its totally different u nee loads little plants and no veg, so if u had the right number of small plants ud easily get 16 ounces. put it this way, im starting a sog grow in a 240cm x 240cm tent, so 8 foot x 8 foot i guess, i am going to cram 196 small plants in there and harvest 1/4 each two weeks so 49, 49 plants with only 8 weeks flower and no veg produces around 10g per plant, meaning i get approx 17.5 oz every 2 weeks. does that clear up ur question? peace


Well-Known Member
lol, im asuming zips is ounces, well ive seen friends of mine scrog about 16 ounces per plant, but scrog to that standard takes a long veg. as for sog its totally different u nee loads little plants and no veg, so if u had the right number of small plants ud easily get 16 ounces. put it this way, im starting a sog grow in a 240cm x 240cm tent, so 8 foot x 8 foot i guess, i am going to cram 196 small plants in there and harvest 1/4 each two weeks so 49, 49 plants with only 8 weeks flower and no veg produces around 10g per plant, meaning i get approx 17.5 oz every 2 weeks. does that clear up ur question? peace
It certainly helps! Thanks


Well-Known Member
lol, im asuming zips is ounces, well ive seen friends of mine scrog about 16 ounces per plant, but scrog to that standard takes a long veg. as for sog its totally different u nee loads little plants and no veg, so if u had the right number of small plants ud easily get 16 ounces. put it this way, im starting a sog grow in a 240cm x 240cm tent, so 8 foot x 8 foot i guess, i am going to cram 196 small plants in there and harvest 1/4 each two weeks so 49, 49 plants with only 8 weeks flower and no veg produces around 10g per plant, meaning i get approx 17.5 oz every 2 weeks. does that clear up ur question? peace
16 ounces i dont belive that for 1 minute i have never in my life seen a 16 oz plant indoors u obviously dont know what ur talking about sog and scrog are 2 completly differnt things


Well-Known Member
I get about 19 zips a grow with 9/10 plants. Is it possible to get that off a 16 plant sog/scrog?
of a 16 plant sog or scrog witch one u could deff get it useing scrog and u could for shure get it with 16 doing sog scrog uses screen that u fill up with ur plant sog is where u flower a bunch of small plant at 1 time screen of green and sea of green they are 2 completly differnt thing and no u cannot yeild 16oz of 1 plant indoors i dont care waht ne one says the largest indoor yeild i have ever seen off of 1 plant is 13 oz and this dude won a competition for highest yeild and all.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
So many variables?To give you one idea.I am still dialing in,and waiting on firm numbers on my new setup. My 2x2x2 ft cab,with 400 watts of floros,and using a 24 oz Hempy cup.I have a strain that when topped mid stretch (to control height) will give me 14g dried per plant.The cab can fit 20 plants comfortably,and 26 super tight.
280g=9.88oz every 2 mos or 140g=4.9oz every month staggered harvest from a 2x2x2 ft cab.
Hopefully someone can calculate your grow?

Dude you gotta read the link provided previously.



Well-Known Member
I understand, i'm looking into doing sog with a screen for bud support, not to spread out like a scrog grow. I guess what I want to know is this...what can I expect to yield doing a sog with 16 plants? Also at what height do I start 12/12. I want to know I will get the same yield as i'm getting now..19 ounces off 10 plants

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I do rooted clone straight to 12/12...sorry forgot to mention.
No veg straight to flower.
I use .5ml per gal of Dyna Gro Pro Tekt and my plants hold firm but I have limited height of 2 ft cup bottom to floro tubes.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I understand, i'm looking into doing sog with a screen for bud support, not to spread out like a scrog grow. I guess what I want to know is this...what can I expect to yield doing a sog with 16 plants? Also at what height do I start 12/12. I want to know I will get the same yield as i'm getting now..19 ounces off 10 plants

So many variables.I say start with a conservative weight of 10g dried per plant,and figure how many you can fit on your table...assuming you are using straight to 12/12 rooted clone.
btw Imho a clone would be best for sog because it is a mature plant,or same age as mom with same genetics.