SOG light question


Active Member
Hey all. I have a roughly 2.5' x 6' closet that I want to use for flowering. I want to run a perpetual SOG system. I had a few questions though. A.) would I be able to run the 2 week system harvesting 6 plants every two weeks with this much space? It would mean at one time I would have 24 small plants flowering. B) If it is possible to flower that many, what wattage hps light would produce the best yield and be most efficient for this space and set-up? 400w, 600w, 2 250w???? Also, if my grow space requires me to use less plants let me know what would be a good number and which light would work best with it. Thanks !

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I think that 18 plants might work good for that space unless you are flowering very early. A 400 watt hps will probably work with good ventilation.


Well-Known Member
if your cab has 3 demensions the i'd go with the 600 watt, any higher than that your going to have a hard time controlling yourgrow rooms temprature. if you have more than 3 demensions (you have shelves and stuff in the grow room) i'd go with 400 watts because your plants are going to be alot closer to the lights than you u think. and since your dealing with hps den your plants could wind up really burning up, i hurd they are really hot. so be carefull. well when it comes to how many plants you can fit in there, take the pots that your going to use and put them in the cab, put in as much as you can, that number ot pots divide that by 2 and thats how many you can possibly fit in your cab without them fighting for space. (some guy showed me that trick cuz he said durring flowering a plant takes up twice the space it does when in vegg) i hope that helped any.



Well-Known Member
Hey all. I have a roughly 2.5' x 6' closet that I want to use for flowering. I want to run a perpetual SOG system. I had a few questions though. A.) would I be able to run the 2 week system harvesting 6 plants every two weeks with this much space? It would mean at one time I would have 24 small plants flowering. B) If it is possible to flower that many, what wattage hps light would produce the best yield and be most efficient for this space and set-up? 400w, 600w, 2 250w???? Also, if my grow space requires me to use less plants let me know what would be a good number and which light would work best with it. Thanks !

You don't have enough space to grow 6 plants in a perpetual SOG setup, harvesting every 2 weeks.

You would need at least 2 - 400 watt lights, A 6 foot high, 8 foot wide
and 4 foot deep grow area.

You could do a perpetual harvest every 4 weeks with your grow area.


Active Member
the closet is 8 feet high, i would suspend the light from the ceiling... i would plan on taking clones, letting them root for 2 weeks and then moving them straight into flowering. So the vote is 18 plants with a 400w? Or how many plants would work well in this area for a 2 month perpetual harvest and again 400 or 600w, also growing larger plants with a 2 month system would there be anyway to produce close to 16-24 oz every 2 months in this area and these light wattages?


Well-Known Member
well the stronger the light the better but its not always necessary to have the strongest light in a closet, id definatley suggest looking into an inline fan for that thing to bring down the heat and you could do other methods like the lollipop method for instance and you could probably handle 24 or more because they dont take any space. Just take in all your options and make the best decision for yourself because in the end its your closet, your light, and your plants.