Soft drooping leaves and branches


I am growing Fantaseed Armageddon in a bubbler bucket and my entire plant is soft and drooping. There is no discoloration at all, but the leaves are withering up (yet remaining soft?) and the branches are really soft and are severely leaning over. I am growing the same strain in a seperate bucket and feeding it the same thing under the same conditions and the thing is thriving. I have also not noticed any root rot. It is in it's 2nd week of flowering using GH nutes at 1000 ppm. both plants are kept at a ph of 5.8 and have not drifted significantly. The temp in the room is a constant 70 with a 55% humidity with fans circulating the air around the room. The air stone is working fine as well. Any ideas? I am at a loss. :wall:


Me too... plant was all nice and green... looked great last week. This week.. still green but leaves are wilted and curling up to nothing and still soft... it's sad. Wish I could help, but wanted you to know you're not alone.


Well-Known Member
well i'd check if they're getting enough nutes overall, but it sounds like you're monitoring that very carefully. it is perplexing when a simple issue (it's happened to me, but always cleared itself up ina week or so) in such a controlled environment can cause so much harm,....... sorry i can't be ov more help, but it'd be nice to know, it happens to me all the time, and all i do is water a little less, till my soild dries to at least to three inches, then i pick up watering again on the day i feel it's dry enough, always solved my problem. still, i only did this on a hunch. and it's worked every time, so idk, just experience, no research there. lol. hope all works out.


Well-Known Member
1000 ppm is way too hot. I'd suggest 500 and no more than 8-900. However, your symptoms sound more like over waterring than a nute issue. Is the plant started in a rock wool cube? If so, is it always moist? I've had this before and the solution was to raise the rockwool another half inch to an inch above the water so it could dry out. Hope this helps!