Sodium Carbonate (Na2Co3) in my bleach.


I can't find bleach with only Sodium Hypochlorite. The unscented one still contains Sodium Carbonate. Is this a problem if I keep my nutrient solution sterile with it?
i cant buy pool shock at my location, is the sodium carbonate a problem?
I’m not positive on that. Hopefully someone with more knowledge of that will chime in soon. I think it can be used but not 100% I would do some research if you can find anything on it or wait before using it to see if anyone chimes in
I’m not positive on that. Hopefully someone with more knowledge of that will chime in soon. I think it can be used but not 100% I would do some research if you can find anything on it or wait before using it to see if anyone chimes in

I mean it is basically baking soda but I have no idea...

Yea maybe someone can help me with a little more chemical knowledge =)
Since I have to add about 12ml bleach to get around 3 ppm and the bleach consists of 2.8% sodium hypochlorite and 5% sodium carbonate, let us assume we have 8% sodium residue of the 12ml solution. this would be about 1g of sodium. this would result in 1g in 100liter which is the equivalent of 10ppm per serving. If I add the bleach every week and I have a 14 weeks grow this would add up about 140 ppm sodium concentration (without the existing sodium content in the tap water). It is probably less but I don't know how sodium hypochlorite and sodium carbonate break down (with atomic weight and that chemistry stuff), so I assume 100% of the content breaks down to sodium. I have read that plants can also use a very little sodium, which functions like potassium to some degree. I have read on some websites that in generel a sodium content of up to 200 ppm is no problem (they say even 1500ppm is still 'okay'), could even be beneficial, but it depends on the plant and cannabis was not mentioned. I assume though, it is more resiliant than salad, which tolerates almost no levels of sodium. If the plants use some amount of that sodium as well the sodium amount might be lower as well but I don't know how much that would be.

As a result I am willing to give my bleach a chance, even if it contains sodium carbonate and sodium hypochlorite, which could lead to sodium problems, but it shouldn't.

If someone could tell me if I made a mistake with my assumptions I would be happy to be corrected before I kill my. plants.