So...what's going on here?


Well-Known Member
They are two different strains (not sure which). Jungle grow.
I planted both of these at the same time, same potting soil, same watering...what is the deal with the Charlie Brown bush here on the left?
I'm guessing it's a male...will it eventually change over to female? Btw, the one on the right is female, correct?
Remember, this is "Newbie Central" and I'm a newbie.

Thanks guys



Well-Known Member
Plant on the left- That is a male and it should be killed immediately it has already pollinated the fuck out of the female im sure. Carefully cut it without shaking it (to keep the pollen from getting airborne.) Then spray (like mist) the female with a hose to wash off as much pollen as you can.

The Bunny

Active Member
Hi your doing well as far as sex of a plant a male will always be a male. A female plant will always be female even if seeded by a male. Only other time will if a female plant is stressed it may become a female with male pollen sacks


Well-Known Member
I was asking as I had a male plant before with little "balls" on it...someone from here told me just leave will turn female...and it did eventually. Great harvest on that too. This not the same huh?