So new to this...


Active Member
The first time i smoked weed was sophomore year of high school. I didn't really get high but then again I've heard thats common. Now i'm a freshman in college and since there's pretty much nothing to do in my downtime, me and my roommate pretty much go out to my car and bake like 6 times a week. I smoke weed all the time now and still relatively know nothing about it. All in all i've just got a couple questions for whoever can answer them.

1. How can you tell the difference between whats good and whats not?
2. My roommate says it's not good to smoke stems, why is that? (He doesn't know either)
3. Can you really get high from just chewing stems?
4. Generally bud goes anywhere from 15 - 20$ in idaho, what's it priced like in other places?
5. If you stick bud in the freezer does it really turn purple?

:weed:Thanks guys:weed:


Well-Known Member
the better herb wont be compressed into bricks will be fluffy nuggets look around internet for pics

smoking stems will just hurt your throat not much thc

no you dont get highg chewing stems some people just like the taste

15-20 for how much w=eight good stuff that will get you a gram most places dirt maybe an 8th i dunno i dont smoke schwag

no that wont turn it purple it will just knock off all the thc crystals and get it wet

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
The first time i smoked weed was sophomore year of high school. I didn't really get high but then again I've heard thats common. Now i'm a freshman in college and since there's pretty much nothing to do in my downtime, me and my roommate pretty much go out to my car and bake like 6 times a week. I smoke weed all the time now and still relatively know nothing about it. All in all i've just got a couple questions for whoever can answer them.

1. How can you tell the difference between whats good and whats not?
2. My roommate says it's not good to smoke stems, why is that? (He doesn't know either)
3. Can you really get high from just chewing stems?
4. Generally bud goes anywhere from 15 - 20$ in idaho, what's it priced like in other places?
5. If you stick bud in the freezer does it really turn purple?

:weed:Thanks guys:weed:
hi buddy the forum is more for cultivation Q's but Id be happy to answer these really quick like...

1. Look. Good buds arent squished together and arent really fluffy either. Good hard pieces that are nicely covered with crystalls if you look closely. Smell and taste are because of the particular variety or "strain" of weed youve got and vary a lot from each one as well as the buzz from each.
Thats based more on preferance on how people like it.

2. Stems dont contain high levels of THC. Those little crystalls on the buds are mainly where that is but even small levels are in crappy buds that you cant see any crystals "or the scientific word you may hear them called which is trichromes" if there is a little bit on the stems then that can be smoked to get you a buzz if you are desperate and depending on how much you smoke you may or may not get a buzz...also there are means of taking those crystals off and smoking them by theirselves using a few basic chemicals and easy processes....

3. If a bunch were to be chewed possibly but those little crystalls need to be disolved by your stomach after heating them to about 250F for a short time to preare them where your body can use them that way. Look up cannabutter if youd like to get into eddibles such as baked goods and stuff that will get you high. The buzz is MUCH stronger like that rather than smoking.

4.depends on the area and the quality of the bud. Good stuff usually goes from $40-$60 for an eighth of an ounce of the good stuff, which is about 5 and a half grams of buds that are well prepared and connosour quality.

5. No. cold tempatures while plants are growing makes them turn purple sometimes but is bad for the plant. there are certian varieties that will turn purple when growing no matter how hot or cold it is, but this is dependant on the type of plant that it is....


Active Member
Oh and one more question: What's the deal with the whole buy marijuana online? It says you can still pass a drug test with it too? How does that work? Is it like bud without the THC or something? Does it even get you high?

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
Oh and one more question: What's the deal with the whole buy marijuana online? It says you can still pass a drug test with it too? How does that work? Is it like bud without the THC or something? Does it even get you high?

It is NOT buds, they give you Headaches because of their blends and are nothing more than herbs.
If you want to try out a legal buzz check into salvia or blue lotus petals
You can get salvia leaf for about $30 a half ounce.


Well-Known Member
the better herb wont be compressed into bricks will be fluffy nuggets look around internet for pics
good nuggets arent compressed .. and they aint fluffy either.