So many options for new grow room... Need a fresh outside take

Hello MJ Community....

I am setting up a new grow room while it has so much potential it also has infinite possiblilities...
The area I'm working with is about 14.5 X 15.2 ft, then streches further in length for 21 more feet but only has a width of five feet (all together the area resembles a smaller-case d.

Here is where it gets dirty: As it is all important to be patient, I am leaning on starting with just the box and run either 2 4X6 trays or 3 4X4 trays across or i could start with the straight section and keep it all in-line. I plan on putting the trays on wheels to maximize my work space without giving up space. Then add another row of trays either separated (by mylar) or together I cannot decide if it would be better to isolate the rows together putting up lights for the plants to share or separate the two rows and let them share there own light , (here is my biggest formula, coming up with the right correlation of lights to provide the necessary lumens while giving the least amount of electrical waste.

I plan on using mostly 1000w HPS with mayb extra 400s to cover the remaining lumen requirement. The set up will be a ebb and flow SOG rotation every to weeks producing a harvest every two weeks.

Probably a 1000w per tray would be best but I am intrigued as whether a light mover could reduce lights especially two or three 1000w in a long in-line set up.

Love to hear your thoughts.
Thanx All