So I'm sitting here stoned...


What would you guys think about a website for growers/connoisseurs to create a (public or private) growlog, so someone can post the grow there, and then share the central url around to the other forums/groups/chats/whatever, complete with nifty short url's (a la or, twitter friendly ;)

SSL based website to encrypt the data, as well as not saving any personal information and server logs (no ip addresses logged, etc)

I'm a bit of a wino as well, so I spend alot of time on and would love to have something similar so that I can post of a log (again, private or public) and keep track of all the dank buds I've been growing/buying cause I've got a stoner memory. I don't even remember what I smoked three weeks ago.

what do you think? what kind of features would a website like this have for you to join (for free, btw). Games? Friendship/Karma system?


Well-Known Member
so ive been thinking,..wot would u guys think about a place where u could document certain funny isms and anecdotes?,..a place where stoners can ask dumb questions and pass time wen they are bored,..a 'den' for 'tokers' if u will.. any opinions?