So I smelled burning plastic as I entered the flower room...


Well-Known Member
I watered my flower room this morning in the dark as I always do. Everything was straight. I walk in an hour and a half past lights on and all I smell is burning fucking plastic. I almost had a heart attack right where I stood. As I got my panic attack under control I went into action. I checked all 4 ballasts. I checked all 6 light connections at the controller and the drivers on my 2 LED lights. Nothing was wrong. The next thing I thought was maybe my intake fan motor was burning up polluting the room. I disconnected the power immediately. Nothing appeared to be wrong. I checked my electric panel thinking something was melting in there. Nothing. I had a real what the fuck moment at this point.

Then I thought I better check outside. Maybe there's a fire outside my house I'm unaware of. As soon as I open the door to go outside the smell hit me like a punch to the face. Holy shit! We walked around the house and nothing on our home was on fire. As it turns out my neighbors were burning their fucking trash inside of their garage. And I live down wind. I live in a city. I do not live in the country. Just wow. Who the fuck just burns their trash in their garage? My neighbors. That's who.

Needless to say A) Disaster averted and B) I'm definitely sealing my fucking room with a mini split and co2 after this experience. Just wow man. Wow.
Some people are just stupid. Burning trash in a garage. It's probably illegal. I'd look into your local ordinances and would not hesitate to make a call to the fire department to report illegal burning if that is the case. Who knows what's in those noxious fumes from burning trash. You shouldn't have to breathe it. That's why there is garbage service. So the trash can be disposed of not burnt in garages, backyards, etc... polluting the air.

The house across the street from me is a rental and some time back they had a burn barrel and were burning their trash instead of paying to have it picked up. It was nasty acrid smoke. It's illegal in Portland to burn your trash in a burn barrel or pit. You can have an outdoor fire but it has to be firewood not fucking plastic trash, dirty diapers, and other nasty crap. One of the neighbors beat me to the phone and the fire department showed up before I could report them for illegal burning. And yes I was going to snitch on them. The nasty stench was invading my property and if everyone burned their trash the air quality would be nasty. And before that the previous tenants were burning trash in the fireplace and thick black smoke was wafting out of the chimney. Smelled like crap. The fire department showed up then as well. I called them that time. I snitched and I'd do it again. I don't care what others do but when nasty smoke from some idiot burning trash stinks up my house I have a problem. Burn a bowl. Toss the trash in the trash can.
A neighbor when I was renting was an artist. His home was a triple lot in a big city, he had a beautiful, sculpted yard and it looked like the botanical gardens. I never went in the house but knew he lived alone. Always friendly, quiet, rarely seen.

Had a similar WTF is that burn smell. Eventually found him out back burning all the rags he used. Full of art chemicals and petroleum derivatives.

When I asked why he was burning them, he said, oh, thats what I thought I should do. It never occured to him to douse them with water and throw them out. Or clean them. He just wanted the volatile chemicals burned off for "safety."

Yeah. People are absolute idiots, even the nice folks.
Some people are just stupid. Burning trash in a garage. It's probably illegal. I'd look into your local ordinances and would not hesitate to make a call to the fire department to report illegal burning if that is the case. Who knows what's in those noxious fumes from burning trash. You shouldn't have to breathe it. That's why there is garbage service. So the trash can be disposed of not burnt in garages, backyards, etc... polluting the air.

The house across the street from me is a rental and some time back they had a burn barrel and were burning their trash instead of paying to have it picked up. It was nasty acrid smoke. It's illegal in Portland to burn your trash in a burn barrel or pit. You can have an outdoor fire but it has to be firewood not fucking plastic trash, dirty diapers, and other nasty crap. One of the neighbors beat me to the phone and the fire department showed up before I could report them for illegal burning. And yes I was going to snitch on them. The nasty stench was invading my property and if everyone burned their trash the air quality would be nasty. And before that the previous tenants were burning trash in the fireplace and thick black smoke was wafting out of the chimney. Smelled like crap. The fire department showed up then as well. I called them that time. I snitched and I'd do it again. I don't care what others do but when nasty smoke from some idiot burning trash stinks up my house I have a problem. Burn a bowl. Toss the trash in the trash can.
Backyard fire pits are the best but yeah burning trash in the city or anywhere for that matter is bullshit. Nothing pisses me off more when I'm camping with folks and someone throws trash into the fire. I've cleaned up way to many campsites over the years where rednecks decided it was okay to burn their cans, bottles and other trash as a method of disposal. :finger:
I watered my flower room this morning in the dark as I always do. Everything was straight. I walk in an hour and a half past lights on and all I smell is burning fucking plastic. I almost had a heart attack right where I stood. As I got my panic attack under control I went into action. I checked all 4 ballasts. I checked all 6 light connections at the controller and the drivers on my 2 LED lights. Nothing was wrong. The next thing I thought was maybe my intake fan motor was burning up polluting the room. I disconnected the power immediately. Nothing appeared to be wrong. I checked my electric panel thinking something was melting in there. Nothing. I had a real what the fuck moment at this point.

Then I thought I better check outside. Maybe there's a fire outside my house I'm unaware of. As soon as I open the door to go outside the smell hit me like a punch to the face. Holy shit! We walked around the house and nothing on our home was on fire. As it turns out my neighbors were burning their fucking trash inside of their garage. And I live down wind. I live in a city. I do not live in the country. Just wow. Who the fuck just burns their trash in their garage? My neighbors. That's who.

Needless to say A) Disaster averted and B) I'm definitely sealing my fucking room with a mini split and co2 after this experience. Just wow man. Wow.

Sounds like the shitheads next door. Anytown USA. People lost all common sense it seems...
Backyard fire pits are the best but yeah burning trash in the city or anywhere for that matter is bullshit. Nothing pisses me off more when I'm camping with folks and someone throws trash into the fire. I've cleaned up way to many campsites over the years where rednecks decided it was okay to burn their cans, bottles and other trash as a method of disposal. :finger:
Ya they should just stuff it in the earth like a civilized person.
Burning plastic releases dioxins that cause cancer. If you can smell them, they’re entering your body and fucking with the DNA of your cells. I live in a small town where everyone burns their trash so I fully expect to eventually have these idiots claim the water or something is causing a “cancer cluster” when they’re the ones doing it to themselves.
had a similar case back in the day
everytime my downstair neightbour was turning on his oven to cook his nefarious meats (very stinky cheap meat)
all the air i was sucking from the street was charged with that infamous smell

go sealed with a good hydro setup you will never want to vent again
Holy shit, that should be illegal as fuck. And it's not like we're talking 3rd world country where they live in huts. It's fucking Murica. You'd think people know better fml
I hope these idiots get what they deserve
Ya they should just stuff it in the earth like a civilized person.
Where I grew up the locals mostly just dumped things in the river if they didn't wanna pay to haul it away. What kinda animal digs a fucking hole? Dummies :) All ya need is a little cover of darkness, 5 minutes of free time, and a buddy to help you haul the shit outta the bed of your truck and into the deep flowing muddy currents before somebody spots you. Outta sight. Outta mind. 'Murrica :)

Edit: Just to be clear - I love nature and have never done such a thing. It didn't stop the dirt bags in my community though. People really suck sometimes, and there's often little that can be done about it. And one of the many reasons I grow and smoke a lot of dope ;)
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