So i noticed some white powdery substance on leaves.

I have some problems! My plants are dieing! I got these plants from 19th and S in Sacramento CA. I am new to the grow thing. I have never seen a Mj plant before so I didn't think much of a powder forming on the new buds. I later began to realise this didn't look normel. I went to another canibus club and explained the problem. They are verry helpfull in letting me know about neam oil. I mixed neam oil with dish soap and water. I got the spray bottle with an adjustable nozzle and sprayed under and over the hole plant. The mold is back and now I am budding. The buds are drying up and leaves are drying out and curling up! I had bugs in the soil and I think I got those killed off but it took REAL pesticide to kill them off. I tried organicide but it did not do any thing. I am new at this mess! What do I do? Should I scrap the plants? Try new plants and get them from another club? They are not dead and I feel they could bounce back but I dont know how to do it. I dont even know if you could smoke the buds. should I cut the buds off and treat the plant hopeing the buds in the future will be good? oh hell

I think they where infected when I got them. :( it has been an uphill fight ever sence I got my plants. I thought it would be easier to grow. NOT!!! any advice out there?


Active Member
scrap them bro... if you used real pesticide... then you are done... you dont want that in your system. it's hard to get rid of things, as it sounds like you have put a lot of work into your kids. honestly though, i would make sure your room is clean and you are clean when handeling the kids and just start over... you will feel better about it in the long run