So I found a plant...

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Last year was my first grow. It didn't go so well but I learned a lot. I brought the seeds back from Jamaica and planted them all. So this year I didn't have any seeds left over and didn't want to purchase any so I did without. Fastforward to last weekend, I went to visit my old house I grew up in because the previous owners lost it. This place is out in the country and real secluded btw. So I pulled up and looked around noticing the yard was full of weeds from not being moed. But one plant grabbed my attention. Walked over to get a better look and by dumb luck it was a 3ft female mj plant! So monday I ran out there with a shovel and brought her home.she looked a bit stress yesterday but looked great this morning. Wish me luck


New Member

Man if I would have caught you I would have made you dig a bigger HOLE!

Dick MOVE!


Well-Known Member
For all the guys accusing him of being a ripper, im pretty sure he is implying that this was a wild growing plant. You can usually tell if its being taken care of someone before. It was an abandoned house.. maybe it came from a seed somebody threw down years ago and just recently sprouted. You guys shouldnt jump down ppls throats all the time, remember there is still feral cannabis here in the US and around the world.


Well-Known Member
For all the guys accusing him of being a ripper, im pretty sure he is implying that this was a wild growing plant. You can usually tell if its being taken care of someone before. It was an abandoned house.. maybe it came from a seed somebody threw down years ago and just recently sprouted. You guys shouldnt jump down ppls throats all the time, remember there is still feral cannabis here in the US and around the world.
i scrolled down and didnt see any sense, until i saw your post.
This is what i was thinking right off the bat.


Well-Known Member
If people lose their house and leave stuff, then its fair game in regards to anything illegal. Legal stuff, the bank has first dibs, but a weed plant will do nothing but get chopped down.

What area do you live in? Is it possible this is just low thc hemp?


Guys calm down lol! This was a plant that came up from a seed that was tossed out. I didn't raid someones garden


If people lose their house and leave stuff, then its fair game in regards to anything illegal. Legal stuff, the bank has first dibs, but a weed plant will do nothing but get chopped down.

What area do you live in? Is it possible this is just low thc hemp?
I lived on the property for 12 yrs... Never saw any hemp. This came from a bag that either the old owners smoked or the crew hired to repo the place.


Ursus marijanus
I lived on the property for 12 yrs... Never saw any hemp. This came from a bag that either the old owners smoked or the crew hired to repo the place.
Good luck with your rescue plant. i hope it wasn't birdseed ... looks like it, smells like it, smokes like **it. cn


Well-Known Member
i scrolled down and didnt see any sense, until i saw your post.
This is what i was thinking right off the bat.
Lol, everybody on this forum is so quick to yell RIPPER all the time, like fuck, maybe somebody found some wild growing or possibly long forgotten weed plants.


Well-Known Member
Read the link in my post....

It's been a problem in the past and it's been said not to post about a plant you "found".


Good luck with your rescue plant. i hope it wasn't birdseed ... looks like it, smells like it, smokes like **it. cn
Thanks and right, this plant would have died
soon. Either it would have been mowed down or
the lack of rain would have killed it for sure
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