so far so good? w/ pics


heyyyyaaa hows it goin? welppp there about 25 days old now, are they a bit small? i got 150watt on each plant cfls reallllllyy ghetttto setup no fan but i have a super powerfull air vent that when i turn it on is massive is the fan for cooling or is the fan for stem strength?
the first leaves that came up which are on the bottem now are slowwwwlyyy yellowin i can see it do i cut them? or let em die on there own

first and second pic = same plant
second and third = same plant
third and forth = same plant



Well-Known Member
theres no pics bro, and a fan is mostly to circulate air, plants need fresh air everyday or they will b stunted and unhealthy. and to keep temps down. its a myth that it makes the stems stronger, never proven...