So far so good! 3rd time is the charm


Well-Known Member
the new batch, so far so good, they will be under a nice new hps/mh setup in about a week, oh yea i almost forgot, ive been giving them a nice everyday dose of about 2-3 hours of blue cfl light,dont know 4 sure if its doing anything .but the plants seem to like it! right know they r under a 45 watt 300-eqv cfl that i found at lowes for like 17 bucks or some shit ,they seem to like that as well. i can use any input any1 might have 4 me. and if u wanna know thats a hk-91 fully auto on my setup,{some people r better left alone!}



Well-Known Member
I hope for your sake those are feminized seeds or there is something with your set up that I don't see clearly.


Active Member
You are going to have a very hard time tending to each one of their individual needs since they share the same pot. Those plants will be fighting each other for rooting space and food. You shouldn't grow more than 1 plant per pot.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to burst you bubble, but don't be surprised if things don't work out this grow either. You really need to have them all in separate pots. Fourth time could be the charm:?


Well-Known Member
if you check my first two grows {pics on here somewhere}i properly used the dixe cup method to vegg over forty plants, this time alot of shit is different, i recently moved to a new place and shit is not 100% yet, the place i got had a grow box built into the attic! what r the fucking odds the guy who lived here before me also grew some shit! will post pics, look out for major improvements in next couple of days.


Well-Known Member
when plants fight for root space they tend to get stressed out therefore they're more likely to turn male/hermie...but good luck with that.


Well-Known Member
they're plentiful!! if you drink milk then there you go, wash them, cut them down, throw some potting soil into them and for cripes sake seperate them! do it now before their roots get intermixed. then you have to break roots to seperate them, never a good thing. let them each be happy on its own