So Baked! Can We Move Clouds?

well tonight, had a few bongs, then had a joint, met my mate, went and had a few beers, then ended up doing loads of shots of vodka each :L came home now, been chucking chips to myself to try and catch them hahaha it got me thinking, if we put massive sheets of metal connected to the worlds axies. or what ever they are called, if we got them to go around the world flat up, could we move clouds with them? reply with your answer.
btw, i love being baked.


Or maybe by creating a huge fan that could blow the clouds in different directions. like we could blow a huge lightning storm over China every time they asked for the money we owe them.


Active Member
Or maybe by creating a huge fan that could blow the clouds in different directions. like we could blow a huge lightning storm over China every time they asked for the money we owe them.
Look up HAARP. It's essentially been done already, only in a better and more thought-out way then fans. Haha