

Well-Known Member
what do you think about snuff?
i remember i tried it fief times long time ago .. when i was 13 or smth. i liked it. it gave enjoyable buzz.
as its not legal in my country (thats fucking unbelievable right!?) i didnt triend it since then no more.
im considering on on buying some to remember those good ol times :)



Well-Known Member
I thought you were talkin about the porno kind of "snuff" lol I got real relieved when i found out you were talkin about tobacco lol.

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
I've never tried snuff but I used to dip when I was in high school. I quit after that and now I think it's fuckin disgusting haha


Well-Known Member
whats porno-snuff!? like sex in snuff? lol that sounds disgusting..

hahaha dipping sounds disgusting .. dont know why i dont found snuffing disgusting :)

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
I don't think there's such a thing as "snuff porno"...there's snuff films, like films of people being killed

also theres a book by fight club author Chuck Palahniuk called Snuff about a gangbang porno movie where a chick is trying to have sex with 600 dudes

I also used to do snus. which is snuff where you can swallow the spit, I think. I used to do it in class when I needed a fix...haha

I think snus originated from sweden


Well-Known Member
theres a book by fight club author Chuck Palahniuk called Snuff about a gangbang porno movie where a chick is trying to have sex with 600 dudes
omfg .. i hope that didnt happen in real life? weird subject to write a book about tho..

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
omfg .. i hope that didnt happen in real life? weird subject to write a book about tho..
it follows 3 of the guys that are participating...I haven't read it yet but I've been meaning too for awhile's been done before. not as many as 600, but theres a movie called World's Biggest Gang Bang where this chick has sex with 70 guys like 250+ times


Well-Known Member
in sick world we living in..

i dont found enjoyable sex with more than dunno... 3 girls? never had sex with more than one tho.. im not reaching for it either..

its like .. too much meat :lol:

ok,, im going to light up a cig.. i still didnt bought rolling papers!! damnit! but thats a good thing. i want to save my stash for new year or at least till christmas! :)


Well-Known Member
"A snuff film or snuff movie is a motion picture genre that depicts the actual death or murder of a person or people, without the aid of special effects, for the express purpose of distribution and entertainment."

Apparently they do exist and people do enjoy watching them. I could only imagine those people must be demons to be entertained by some psychopathic and sick sexual fantasy like that. Or have people really become this disgusting?

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
"A snuff film or snuff movie is a motion picture genre that depicts the actual death or murder of a person or people, without the aid of special effects, for the express purpose of distribution and entertainment."

Apparently they do exist and people do enjoy watching them. I could only imagine those people must be demons to be entertained by some psychopathic and sick sexual fantasy like that. Or have people really become this disgusting?
well, the second sentence of that wikipedia article u took that form

"Though deaths have been captured on film, snuff films as commonly defined are generally regarded as an unverified urban legend"

there are plenty of movies of people being killed or dying. but try and find one that specifically was made to depict someone dying, like being directed and shit. and people being murdered with the consent of the director.


Well-Known Member
I've heard stories before but I don't know if they're real. I really wouldn't be surprised if people do this underground.

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
I've heard stories before but I don't know if they're real. I really wouldn't be surprised if people do this underground.
it's plausible but think about it

to create films like this for the express purpose of entertainment, you'd have to have a 1. a market and 2. a way to deliver that product to that market.

you'd also have to make more money off that market than the cost of production. It's pretty fuckin risky to kill someone so you'd have to probably pay someone a lot of money to do it.

then comes problems with how to sell the films, and make back that shitload of money you spent killin someone on film


Well-Known Member
i saw this crazy movie that involved snuff films called 8mm...

mancowking's Full Review: 8MM Tom Wells (Nicolas Cage) is a private investigator hired by a newly widowed woman to view an 8mm film that was found in the safe of her extremely rich dead husband. The film appears to be a "snuff" film, which in the pornography industry is a film with sex ending with death, usually the female getting murdered. The 8mm film that was found, however, appears to look authentic, and the old woman would like Tom Wells to search for the girl in the film to make sure she is alive and well.

Tom Wells joins up with a young kid who cashiers at a XXX store, California Max (Joaquin Phoenix) to find the possible producers of this film. The movie, which was penned by the same man who wrote Se7en, has the same dark and grizzly appeal, but is nowhere near as intelligent as the latter.

The subject matter and visuals in this movie are disturbing and, at times, hard to stomach. I would not recommend anyone under the age of 17 seeing this movie because of its graphic nature and adult content. At times, the movie was hard to hear and see because of all the darkness. The woman who played Tom Wells' wife had no real instrumental role in the film, and her presence was a waste of time until Cage's character was threatened.

As a Nicolas Cage fan, I can't understand why Cage would want to do a film like this, which I feel is way under his caliber of taste. Although his acting was as good as you would expect, it won't keep you interested in the movie the way Cage did in Leaving Las Vegas. I don't know how this movie got away with being rated NC-17 with all the gross and explicit detail.

If you are a die-hard Cage fan past puberty and you absolutely have to see this film, it may be worth one look on video, but it's not one to purchase for the collection. This movie does not live up to its hype, and reels you in to see it like Jerry Springer. You can't believe things like this happening, but you are curious to see it anyway. But believe me, there is nothing worth seeing. I will give it credit for one thing: there's nothing else quite like it in Hollywood stories of past or present...and there shouldn't be.

You have to be a really sick person to enjoy this movie.


Well-Known Member
damn all this talk made me remember about video that my friend gave me to watch.. i couldnt watch it more than ~20 minutes. that video was horrible! they were killing people and doing stuff that i dont want to remember or talk about..

that video were called "august underground mordum" i dont think that this shit was staged or smth.. looked too real.. FUCK! why did i remember this shit!?


Well-Known Member
i saw this crazy movie that involved snuff films called 8mm...

mancowking's Full Review: 8MM Tom Wells (Nicolas Cage) is a private investigator hired by a newly widowed woman to view an 8mm film that was found in the safe of her extremely rich dead husband. The film appears to be a "snuff" film, which in the pornography industry is a film with sex ending with death, usually the female getting murdered. The 8mm film that was found, however, appears to look authentic, and the old woman would like Tom Wells to search for the girl in the film to make sure she is alive and well.

Tom Wells joins up with a young kid who cashiers at a XXX store, California Max (Joaquin Phoenix) to find the possible producers of this film. The movie, which was penned by the same man who wrote Se7en, has the same dark and grizzly appeal, but is nowhere near as intelligent as the latter.

The subject matter and visuals in this movie are disturbing and, at times, hard to stomach. I would not recommend anyone under the age of 17 seeing this movie because of its graphic nature and adult content. At times, the movie was hard to hear and see because of all the darkness. The woman who played Tom Wells' wife had no real instrumental role in the film, and her presence was a waste of time until Cage's character was threatened.

As a Nicolas Cage fan, I can't understand why Cage would want to do a film like this, which I feel is way under his caliber of taste. Although his acting was as good as you would expect, it won't keep you interested in the movie the way Cage did in Leaving Las Vegas. I don't know how this movie got away with being rated NC-17 with all the gross and explicit detail.

If you are a die-hard Cage fan past puberty and you absolutely have to see this film, it may be worth one look on video, but it's not one to purchase for the collection. This movie does not live up to its hype, and reels you in to see it like Jerry Springer. You can't believe things like this happening, but you are curious to see it anyway. But believe me, there is nothing worth seeing. I will give it credit for one thing: there's nothing else quite like it in Hollywood stories of past or present...and there shouldn't be.

You have to be a really sick person to enjoy this movie.

Haha I was going to say... the film makers would need to be very wealthy to get away with this. And I believe this was the movie I heard stories about. Though it's fictional, they say real ones exist.

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
that video were called "august underground mordum" i dont think that this shit was staged or smth.. looked too real.. FUCK! why did i remember this shit!?
nope it's fake

and I don't see how any role is too low for Nick Cage. I mean the dude was in the 9/11 movie :lol:


Well-Known Member
People who.. umm.. love too see these videos of people getting killed and other gore tend to agree that snuff movies don't exist. There are a couple of films that were thought to incorporate snuff like Cannibal Holocaust (I only remember this), but they were later proven to be fake even though the directors never claimed they were real. They just had to do the investigations since they received a lot of complaints and where VERY realistic.