Snowryder {Snow White x LR2}


Well-Known Member
hey this is my first grow. i started two seeds, one turned out male and the other female. i killed the male and now have a snowryder at 26 days almost 4 weeks. it should be completed in another 6 weeks all going good.

i am using tomatoe feed and it is doing great! when i started using it growth really picked up! i have atm 70 watts of 6400k cfls and 20 watts 2700k . i might add another 20 watt soon. i think that is all and feel free to post any thoughts. here is some pictures of it all..



Well-Known Member
repotted it today on its 27 day. 4 weeks tomorrow. pot i had was 3 litres now its 16!

it is really dense jungle underneath branches and starting to flower. will it grow any taller? its not that tall but i think it will give dense buds with the real close spacing maybe?

let me know what you think :)


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
i just tossed all the sugary leaves in grinder and put a nickle in the screen compartment. grind then shake all over. the nickle will hit the herb and make the trichomes drop. after a while you build up some mad keif

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
depending on the strain it will either shoot up a cola or get alot of competing branches....looks like its gonna be a competition my friend!!!! expect her to double in size if she just started flowering

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
you might wanna look into it its 32 bucks shipped at econolights man this is my first grow with it from start so i cant wait. the cfls are really good and all but i couldnt resist to want more hehe....i think its perfect for my cab size. anyhow i wanted to suggest to put the 27k as main light and the 65k as side lighting.thats gonna make it stretch a bit more. if you want it too. some ppl do blue spectrum 4 weeks and then orange for 4 weeks. a combination is best, thats what im going for the hps and 2 blue cfls to provide both spectrum

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
also wanted to say be sure to switch to bloom nutes now, if you keep feeding veg tomato feed they will get mixed signals and can lead to re-vegg problems

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
trust me bro your gonna want to get some bloom nutes its just gonna be all around better, you wont regret it man


Well-Known Member
Yor plant is liking what you do. Keep doing it :)
Auto strains don't really need any more than 5 litres of soil.

Good luck with the grow.


Active Member
Thanks guys!
its now 5 weeks. these are supposed to be ready in 10 weeks so another 5 are left. I added another 15 watt 2700k light aswell. think thats it! heres some pics :D
Where did you get those lights from that rotate around like that?
I just got 10 lr2 x deisel, auto ak47, and poison something dwarf. Can't wait to get mine going
thanks man


Well-Known Member
Where did you get those lights from that rotate around like that?
I just got 10 lr2 x deisel, auto ak47, and poison something dwarf. Can't wait to get mine going
thanks man
hi thanks for commenting! I love comments!
I got those lights at a local hardware store. There cool but i would prefer if i had of found 42 watt lights :D


Well-Known Member
Hey man, just checking out your journal. Loving it so far. I see you have a slight burn on one of the leaves. The same thing has happened to mine because I didn't think that CFL bulbs could burn the plant Lol. Keep up the good work dude.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
if you keep a fan blowing on the cfl 26w you can let them touch and they shouldnt get burned. one of my side bulbs in the cab gets blown by the fan all day and never gets even warm, its cool to the touch. looks nice kinghash but i think you might want to go longer than 10 weeks total since you had a slow start. i would say let her flower atleast 50 days or more depending on maturity. i dont have any experience with autoflowering strains but im sure youd want to make sure your plant is actually ready(mature) before you take it down. id hate to see a seller label let you not max resing production. like i said i have no experience so it mught be ready before the 10 weeks