s'neerGdniM Outdoor Chernobyl Phenos ...


Hi Subcool Forum! Thanks for having me! And thank you Subcool for making these genetics available to us.

Well, Here goes a little Grow Show of 4 from seed Chernobyl Females I've got going.
Once I get some more pictures taken, I'll do an update discussing the phenos and my general thoughts on this strain after having grown it twice.


Pheno 1

This Pheno type is the Tallest and most Sativa looking of the bunch. She stretches between internodes and grows into a big bush. She also produces those Famous resin tacos. I really like this Plant, the smell is incredible Lemons and Pineapple. Its also very fast.

But here is the Beef I have with this Pheno and this strain. The ver light flowers produce major resin very early in flowering, and its on a very light and fragile bud. Outdoors, with a lot of pests, makes this strain a challenge to work with, because I can't treat these phenos with neem at all once the flowering process has started. This Pheno has flowers that Brown right over at the first hint of Mositure. It make it a challenging outdoor grow if you don't have your pest situation 100% dialed in.



Pheno 2

This plant is the most dense and shortest of the Phenos I have seen. She also gets alot of yellowing and leaf burn for no apparent reason early in flowering. I've had two phenos like this and they stretch the least. And Also has a short leaf. I really like the smell on this plant, very sweet, and yummy. But it is a medium yielder despite its denseness. I would guess that you could find this pheno in 6 females.

Now this Pheno, out of all the Phenos I've seen, has a denser more forgiving flower. I've been able to Neem Treat this pheno one time at 30 days, and she did not brown over. Better for outdoor.
