Sneaking Shit INto FESTIVALS - Across State/Boarder Lines...etc


Well-Known Member
what'r your best ways to sneak shit into festivals or across state...or boarders?

in your cars?

in your clothes?

id like to hear all of your techniques that could help me sneak 1 pound of STINKY pot across 6 states (with no smell) into a festival or any show.

i was thinking air tight bags with a vacuum seal.
i own one from wal mart.
but i dont think this will do.

i want something that is assuring.

+rep and thank you to all who help
Cut a slit in your coin-purse, insert, and stitch back up. ;)

But really, vacuum seal, wash, vacuum seal again, wash, vacuum seal again, wash, and then put in some other air tight container. I'd also use a fresh pair of surgical gloves between each step. Or if you want to go all out, a shower and fresh change of clothes too.


Well-Known Member
yea man your on the right track, vac seal the shit outta it and pack it away good in some luggage with w/e you are bringing. be smart and take it slow and you should be fine, dont blaze on the way there even tho its tempting..bonnaroo?


Well-Known Member
yea man your on the right track, vac seal the shit outta it and pack it away good in some luggage with w/e you are bringing. be smart and take it slow and you should be fine, dont blaze on the way there even tho its tempting..bonnaroo?

thats what im saying yo.
im we REALLY want to smoke some weed we will roll a doobie up and park and walk somewhere.

but we cant smoke cigarettes in the car we are driving.
so i want to make complete and utter sure that NO smell will come this pound of stankiest of the buds I plan on bringing.


Active Member
put ina sock in loads of baggies and melt a homemade candle so your drugs are inside this candle perfectly safe cheap and easy :D no way of getting caught did it to get stuff into glastonbury and shambala :P


Active Member
Get one of those Kinder Suprise egg thingys. Place stash inside and, using a hot knife to melt the plastic, seal it in around the circumference. Immerse in bleach for 1/2 hour to remove all traces of smell (even to dogs!). Keester it or tie it between your dick and ballsack (you'll not get patted down here). Best recommended for hash (more bang for volume). When travelling, ensure that there is absolutely no chance whatsoever of anything being tainted by smell (and that includes smokey clothing of course). Last year at Glastonbury they had dogs running the queues to get in (and people were pulled out, cautioned and barred from the festival)


Active Member
Does anyone know what the security situation at ultra is going to be? I wanna sneak in a couple gel caps. Im thinking baggie in my underpants will be sufficient. Also, this may be a dumb question, but can dogs smell mdma?


Active Member
Well a pound is a bit much for this idea, but in the past I have taken a huge tub of yuban coffee(that I drink at the festival) and take a razor and carefully cut off the entire bottom with the razor pressed against the metal lip on the very bottom. Now you can empty some or most of the coffee from the bottom, fill with vac sealed goods, then super glue the bottom back on... Then you have an unopened can of special coffee. Like I said, may not work on that large of a scale but it may just get you thinking... See you in Arkansas heatless!


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what the security situation at ultra is going to be? I wanna sneak in a couple gel caps. Im thinking baggie in my underpants will be sufficient. Also, this may be a dumb question, but can dogs smell mdma?
i doubt your going to have a hard time finding/smuggling drugs into a 3day rave, everyones going to be rolling, i was supposed to go to ultra but things came up and funds were short sooo...

Senor SmokeAlot

Well-Known Member
a pound sounds like alot. ive never drivin/gone to a festival but i've driven through a bunch of state and have even flown,continental us, with no more then an 8th of bud. i just recently flew out west for a snowboard trip, had about 3grms go under the plane and a bunch of cookies on the plane with me. i figure they looking for real weight and explosives/weapons. not some petty shit,still laways nerve racking,but thats half the fun.


Active Member
i doubt your going to have a hard time finding/smuggling drugs into a 3day rave, everyones going to be rolling, i was supposed to go to ultra but things came up and funds were short sooo...
I was thinking about bringing Molly, but I'm sure ill be able to find some


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about bringing Molly, but I'm sure ill be able to find some
its ultra dude.
you will get loaded off mdma even if you bring nothing.

if you desire.

people are fucking so cool and nice there :)

some dicks though but there is loads of cool people


security at bonnaroo last year was not that bad. They went through everyones cars, not entirely thorough, mostly making sure there was no glass in the vehicle. They didnt get to the bottom of the pile of luggage we had. I was nervous going through, i had a bowl and about an eighth in a plastic bag i just kept in my pocket. luckily no pat down even! i was watching them search my car while i had my weed in my pants lol. just find a safe spot.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
back in my day we went to fests in more than 1 car park the loaded car somewere till you get in and get the wrist bands then sat morning go out get the other car and drive thru holding your wrist up. thats how we used to get all our tanks in and what not. best place for cid is taped behind the lic plate of your car they never look there


Active Member
Mason jars in a backpack stuffed with fabric always works. Pack the jars, then wipe with paper towels soaked with rubbing alcohol. Roll the jars in clothes and towels so they don't clink (duct tape, if needed), then stuff into the backpack. I've brought pounds into festivals this way. Even driven across country.

Don't sweat the entrance search. They're looking for tanks.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Last year when i went to Dessert Rock's we went to costco and got 2 huge jar's of peanut butter, vacuum sealed all our herb and drug's, carefully unsealed the lid, scooped all the peanut butter out of the middle of jar, stuffed the drug's in and covered with peanut butter, put in microwave for like 5 seconds so it smoothed the peanut butter, then carefully superglued the lid back on. It's def messy, but well worth it to ensure your saftey.


Active Member
Dessert Rocks? HAHA, im sure that was a real nice dessert for desert rocks man! Fabulous idea too! See you there this year? Peace