smoothest joint ever


Well-Known Member
I slow-dry my flower in a barn for 2 weeks then it goes into mason jars for the cure in a cool dark location. I try to end up with about 64% r.h. in the jar after a couple weeks of burping. In any case, I've been noticing that the 2020 harvest has improved noticeably over the 15 months or so it's been curing (I had more than I could use, gave most of it away to vets but still have some left). I tried an experiment where I taped a damp folded bit of paper towel onto underside of the lid on one jar of Tomahawk in order to see if I could bring up the moisture content of the bud a bit more (just 24 hours, it worked great). Noticed when I rolled a joint that the herb was really easy to compact and roll into a nice cylinder as it tended to stick together more than usual. Guessing the moisture content of the flower was maybe 15% or so, probably a tad moisture than would be ideal for long-term storage.

In any case I was amazed how smooth the smoke was. I rolled a big fat "grower's joint" with an Elements 1-1/4 paper and from start to finish it was smooth as silk, even down to the roach (which normally burns my throat when it gets down to that size). The flavor was amazing with zero irritation and none of that slighly sore feeling your throat sometimes has after you burn one. Smoothest joint I ever smoked (I hardly ever smoke anymore, almost completely moved to edibles and tincture).

Is that a result of the long cure? Or the extra moistness? Or a combination? It's got me thinking I should cure at least 6 months before using it. Then again at some point it starts to loose that bright green color and I guess maybe the cannabinoids start to degrade bit. Just curious what others have found.
curing improves taste, if kept away from heat and light thc degradation is minimal and the browning you see is caused by absence of chlorophyll which makes a smooth smoke also don’t rehydrate with damp paper towels because it can raise the rh too fast and too much and can cause mold