Smoking wax caused eye to blow out!


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU,
I write this story and I have had it verified thru multiple sources in the Mans family.
I will protect his identity but some in the Colorado growing community may know this recently One eyed grower.

So he is smoking some strong wax and he coughed so hard his eye was dislodged and the optical nerve was destroyed.

I know his Son and his Dad And His Brother and I have lived with his Sons First girlfriend for years.
This is not some internet story I read, not this one.
So he didn't fall at work and get his eye poked out which is the story he is telling.

I just thought it amazing that someone would push the limits of smoking with gram globs of shatter.

Intelligence runs in the Family, No common sense mind you but Brains yes.

I hope he is more careful in the future, I would hate for him to be completely blind.

As I read this I sound a little callous, it's true I am not friends with some of this family.



Well-Known Member
Unlikely ...
coughing does affect many muscles of the body,
its natural response to clearing the air way,
unless he has injured his entire eye-socket previously
I have to say .....Another TRUE.. RIU story ...


most old toker(me) know that weather you like it or not, having a holiday 2-3 times of the year allows the body to cleanse itself, just 2-3 weeks every six months resets the clock, so when you toke a tiny J, it hits you like a train, and well worth the wait, and saving in weed!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Hey V? Why do you think you close your eye's when you cough and sneeze?
It's the bodies way of keeping your eye's in place.
With that said.
There are cases of people "coughing" out an eye! (I called an eye Dr. friend cause I was not believing this either) He states that the person most likely had eyes that were in eye sockets that were slightly swollen from allergies etc. or his sockets were slightly smaller for the eye then they should be (somewhat common he says).

A strong or extended coughing fit CAN dislodge an eye, and nerve damage is very likely to occur!

Take heed and be careful !!!

WOW and I thought this would go the other way...................


Well-Known Member
Vostok you call it anything you want.
Like I said I know the mans family and he told his brother how he lost an eye.
He lied to his 80+ Year old Dad That it was a work injury.



Well-Known Member
This is a very real possibility. Thus why I don't smoke oil very often and when I do I'm conservative about how much I inhale. Also why I don't smoke bongs often or hit them hard.

It's not worth losing an eye or a lung. Smoke responsibly.


Well-Known Member
I knew a guy who got coked up and decided to off himself. Stuck a 38 in his mouth and pulled the trigger. Angle was wrong and it just blew a hole through his head. Damnest thing. Never underestimate the power of Drs. So they ended up saving him. The pressure blew both of his eyes out of his head. Still intact. They reattached them. Didn't work but hey he didn't have 2 holes where his eyes were. On another note I had a room mate several years ago who was blind in one eye. Had the milky orb thing going on. Tell your buddy to get a leather patch. They look pretty badass. That's what my old roomy had. The funny thing is he didn't let it get him down. I watched that guy pull all kinds of tail. It was one of those instances where someone's attitude and confidence wins. So its not all bad for your friend.


Well-Known Member
Know a guy who punched a guy and his eye popped out.
its amazing any of us have eyes as soft as they are and how stupid we are.