Smoking That Marijuanna, I Have Five Words Of Advice:


New Member
Revision: Smoking That Marijuanna, I Have Five Words Of Advice:

1. Be Sure What (Ingredients) You're Smoking,

2. Be CONSCIOUS Of How It's Affecting Your MIND And BEHAVIOR.


4. And Be TRUE To Your CONSCIENCE, Keep It REAL With Yourself.

Don't Feel PEER-PRESSURED Into Doing Something That You're Not Comfortable With And If It's Not For You You Don't HAVE To Do It,

Isn't There An Age Requirement With That??? There Are Still LAWs And RESPONSIBILITIES.

5. Oh, And Keep You A Multi-NUTRITIONAL Drink / Hydration With You; Take Care Of Your PHYSIOLOGICAL HEALTH.

You Can Sue And Be Sued.

Some Employers Still Require A Drug Test And They Can Detect It In Hair Samples.

KNOWLEDGE Is POWER And An Idled MIND Is The Devil's Workshop.

Don't Be Lazy, Still No Excuse For Excuses.

Don't Put Off Tomorrow What You Can Do Today.

In All Of Yor Getting, Get UNDERSTANDING.


Well-Known Member
Revision: Smoking That Marijuanna, I Have Five Words Of Advice:

1. Be Sure What (Ingredients) You're Smoking,

2. Be CONSCIOUS Of How It's Affecting Your MIND And BEHAVIOR.


4. And Be TRUE To Your CONSCIENCE, Keep It REAL With Yourself.

Don't Feel PEER-PRESSURED Into Doing Something That You're Not Comfortable With And If It's Not For You You Don't HAVE To Do It,

Isn't There An Age Requirement With That??? There Are Still LAWs And RESPONSIBILITIES.

5. Oh, And Keep You A Multi-NUTRITIONAL Drink / Hydration With You; Take Care Of Your PHYSIOLOGICAL HEALTH.

You Can Sue And Be Sued.

Some Employers Still Require A Drug Test And They Can Detect It In Hair Samples.

KNOWLEDGE Is POWER And An Idled MIND Is The Devil's Workshop.

Don't Be Lazy, Still No Excuse For Excuses.

Don't Put Off Tomorrow What You Can Do Today.

In All Of Yor Getting, Get UNDERSTANDING.
Hmm we have to be on COMPLETELY 2 different math levels...

I counted 168 words..


Well-Known Member
A figurative 'word of advice' can be many words. As when some requests to have A word. with you, they mean an entire lecture/discussion.

Hear hear, I smoke fore amd myself only and keep myself busy with volunteering, ballet, yoga, horseriding, ice skating and five musical instruments. I'm going to university. I always have goals to strive for; everyone should.


Well-Known Member
A figurative 'word of advice' can be many words. As when some requests to have A word. with you, they mean an entire lecture/discussion.

Hear hear, I smoke fore amd myself only and keep myself busy with volunteering, ballet, yoga, horseriding, ice skating and five musical instruments. I'm going to university. I always have goals to strive for; everyone should.
Yes but the op stated "five" complete making your post just seem worthless sorry :( He/She never said "words of advice" it was clearly stated "FIVE words of advice". You see where I'm going with this or u gonna try to spew another English literature lesson?.
I keep seeing you go around thread to thread tying to correct everyone's grammar on here lol kinda funny actually :-D i think your on the wrong forum tho sorry :(. Mainly because i never see you actually help anyone well in cultivating marijuana. Better luck next time tho ;).

^^^^ there ya go think you'll be a lot happier off :) ^^^^


Well-Known Member
Yay, I've just realised I have a stoned typo on that last post I believe I can no longer edit... Great.

What's wrong with defending another member?

The reason I started analysing and refuting the legitimacy of your response was because all Prophecy was trying to do was give us some advice regarding our welfare as smokers. Then you start nitpicking about how he worded this considerate advice, but no one cares if others post completely incoherent drabble? I can't complain if some people's typing is genuinely hard to read, but it is fine for you to complain when someone offers a 'word of advice' and it is not a literal 'word' in singular? If someone with autism can see the stupidity of you hanging on the literal for the purpose of being inflammatory, then there is a real problem.

My parents methods are probably considered redundant and I'm not growing at the moment- just tending to 4 plants for a friend on the side. I'm not going to pretend to be an Internet Badman Ganja expert because I know that lying about how great one is at producing big buds tells you alot about the size of their dick.

I admire your knowledge, but the blatantness of some people pretending they know what they're talking about is WORSE than just admitting you don't know shit.

I try to do nothing but kind, polite, fun and give any advice I can. I doubt there are many 18 year olds with my level of maturity.

I am here to share my love of ganja, have a laugh and make some friends. Geez, I even provide you with panty shots and I'm still not considered a valued member...

I'm not here to fight you. Just go and smoke, then we can kiss and make up or something...


Well-Known Member
It was his first post I could actually follow from beginning to end and it all made sense to me.

I read what was said and didn't take time out to count the words though.

He did a MF on me with the 5 point bullet I guess..