Smoking leaves/Cheapo report


With bag seed its not an option, but i have noticed with Ko kush or WW

that the leaves , if dried slow will give a decent high, sorta like a mild sativa
but if i smoke enough Its droopy eyes.

I have smoked some with people who did not know and they said it tasted good and was good shit.

For folks who like a mild high its definatly a P.H. option.

Males , well i never throw em away, I have found male flowers of my strains to be

worth smoking.

I have never really had a harvest big enough to try making hash

Just wondering if any other thrifters are out there and what kind of stuff you do.

Im not saying Buds aint the Shit, What i am saying is i have saved myself at least

400 dollars smoking leaves instead of buying kind.

My last harvest was in april and i have just finished off my leaves.

I do not smoke them every day, just when My weekly allotment of a 1/4 bag a
week[shawag] is used upbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I don't do it, but if it works for you, then I say giddy-up! you saved some $ and your happy with it, then cool. I try and trim my bud pretty close, I leave some sugar leaves on.. but it's cali O so you do get some flavor from some leaves, but too much and I find it harsh to smoke. personal preference.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't currently grow enough bud but i never have and never will smoke stems and leaves. i'll try and cook with em etc, but not smoke, yuck! i'm not that desperate.