Smokers Thread


Well-Known Member
Where all the smokers at out there? Charcoal, gas, pellet, electric...
My old electric smoker went on the fritz and would only run full blast at 275*. Just picked this up a couple weeks ago.

They've got some pretty neat features on these now. There is a broiler element on the top, that can bring the temp up for crisping, or getting a nice crunchy bark.

Did a boneless shoulder last weekend


Got a chuck roast on today

Nice!! I've been cutting the spine out and laying my turkey flat, cooks a lot faster and more evenly.
But a couple years ago, the stove broke and the smoker became our oven. Now that I think about it, that was some of the best stuffing I've ever had, maybe I'll cook mine in the smoker this year.
Nice!! I've been cutting the spine out and laying my turkey flat, cooks a lot faster and more evenly.
But a couple years ago, the stove broke and the smoker became our oven. Now that I think about it, that was some of the best stuffing I've ever had, maybe I'll cook mine in the smoker this year.
Never laid it out I’ve done that with hogs before I always get mine too dry if I split it like that in the oven when I do chicken I’ll have to try it in the smoker that way
You got any kind of moisture pan in your smoker? I know it's big and awkward, but poultry soaks up smoke flavor so fast, you could wrap it tight in foil after a couple hours of smoking, and just finish it on low heat.
You got any kind of moisture pan in your smoker? I know it's big and awkward, but poultry soaks up smoke flavor so fast, you could wrap it tight in foil after a couple hours of smoking, and just finish it on low heat.
Yeah I have a 52 inch upright charcoal smoker and it has a gigantic bowl in the bottom of it it gets in the way of everything
I try to do everything on low heat I smoked two turkeys last year on 250 for I think four or five hours and they were delicious got them out as soon as the popper popped
Hell yeah! I'm gonna do a few ears of corn this Thanksgiving. I've made pizzas in a charcoal smoker before, the crust and cheese really soaked up the smoke flavor. I do want to build a cold smoker attachment.
24lb turkey has been flattened and put on the smoker. Coated the turkey and underneath the skin with a mix of Mastercue rub and spicy brown mustard. Apple juice and rub mixed together in the moisture pan.
For sides we're having mashed potatoes,, cornbread dressing, Mac n Cheese, green bean casserole, and smoked corn on the cob. I substitute bacon gravy for cream of mushroom in my green bean casserole, and use Margaret Holmes seasoned green beans (tastes like grandmas, without the time).
The butterball turkey came with 2 packs of turkey gravy concentrate, anyone ever use it? I like to combine gravy from all the barnyard animals. I've got the neck, spine, and giblets cooking in the croc pot on high right now. I'll cook it for 3 or 4 hours, then transfer to a pot and boil down to make turkey stock for the stuffing.

What yall got going on today in the kitchen?