Smoker cough

So I was sick a few days ago with a sore throat and I smoked some bud. Well now I have smoker cough and was wondering if any one else has ever gotten smoker cough that way? Also when you did have it have you just started coughing uncontrollably and then like puke out like a shit load of mucus ? :sad: this cough is making it really hard to sleep :'(

P.s. Sorry if spelled anything wrong I didn't feel like spell checking


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
u guys are smoking sum bad shit. i smoke like there is no 2marrow and i don't cough up black shit.. ? do u smoke cigs. also cuz i don't


Well-Known Member
I smoke constantly and I don't cough besides when I smoke, I don't smoke anything beside weed though until I fond some dmt I will defiantly smoke some of that lol.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
interestingly, i'm on day 4 of a much needed tolerance break, and only now am i coughing shit up. i think my lungs caught a whiff of fresh air and decided to expel all the shit that's in there. it's also allergy season so all kinds of drippy gross shit could be going on while you sleep.