Smart Pots in Australia

there is a DIY smart pots post some where, shows you what material to make them out of and the patterns.. you just need to sew them together.. there are some other DIY versions with 5 gallon buckets. they drill holes all around the bucket like swiss cheese and use a screen liner on the inside of the bucket to keep the dirt in. bro or you should all know that one by now... some say they work some dont... and reastically you DO need to check PH REGULARLY...
Those do look like very good quality fabric pots, however with the shipping costs you would be better off just buying Smart pots or even better are Aero Pots as they are thicker and have handles.
oi mate were you able to buy it online if so post a link ive been looking for one for ages, if not did you buy at bunnings?
i got some smart pots with my nirvana order. not a bad price either.

edit: oh shit, i forgot nirvana doesn't ship to AUS.