Smart or Stupid


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why anyone would voluntarily join a military that goes looking for conflict?

NAVY, "A global force for good." I've never seen a "force" that's good.

Who believes the hype, who doesn't?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
We should've listened to Reagan and built up defense. Now China has Sizzler and we don't have Star Wars to protect us.


Well-Known Member
So let me tell you what you know so far.....Nothing.

Our Navy will never be all in one place at any time.

The YJ-18 is the improved Chinese version of the Soviet SM-54E. It flies at subsonic speed to hide it`s signature, then when on terminal approach does a series of turns and climbs up to point at the ship and fires a Mach 3 solid kinetic round at the ship. It will bounce off a Battleship but go through a Burke. Do the math. It has a Soviet range of about 300 +/- 50 miles range and a Chinese 400 to 500 mile range. It`s ten years old and the only way it get`s through the defense is by swarming. When you do that you give away your position and the US is able to get you back. It will hurt or mission kill a Tyco. Carrier or Nimitz Carrier, but you need more than one hit for it do much to a Ford Class.

It is a poor choice of rocket to arm with a Nuke. It has never been used. It`s no match for the Tomahawk response they will get. T-Hawk has been used and is undefeated against Iraqi and other countries Russian and Chinese defenses.

So endith the lesson.


Well-Known Member
Why am I a coward, again? Is it because I'm smart?

You frown upon those that give you your freedom as if you would dare do the same for others. Not even a simple thank you donation to the vets.(you don`t have to leave your name) The more they do for you, the more you let them do.

I thought you were cool until that insult in the other thread. Others wont tell you but wont forget. FWI, I attacked scooby in the thread you keep bringing up, no one else did.


Well-Known Member
IMO. some people are just born ''leaders'' and too fufill that need too lead or too first hand make a differnce some join the armed forces. the payment and college education also play into this choice. But regardless you have too respect that decision and be thankful people even go and risk their lives while doing so. Im not one for the military. But anyone who is i give upmost respect and gratification unless they start playing that im better than you male cow defication. Basically The do us all a favor and fight for OUR FREEDOM. Witch keeps us all even able to debate this topic....End rant


New Member
So let me tell you what you know so far.....Nothing.

Our Navy will never be all in one place at any time.

The YJ-18 is the improved Chinese version of the Soviet SM-54E. It flies at subsonic speed to hide it`s signature, then when on terminal approach does a series of turns and climbs up to point at the ship and fires a Mach 3 solid kinetic round at the ship. It will bounce off a Battleship but go through a Burke. Do the math. It has a Soviet range of about 300 +/- 50 miles range and a Chinese 400 to 500 mile range. It`s ten years old and the only way it get`s through the defense is by swarming. When you do that you give away your position and the US is able to get you back. It will hurt or mission kill a Tyco. Carrier or Nimitz Carrier, but you need more than one hit for it do much to a Ford Class.

It is a poor choice of rocket to arm with a Nuke. It has never been used. It`s no match for the Tomahawk response they will get. T-Hawk has been used and is undefeated against Iraqi and other countries Russian and Chinese defenses.

So endith the lesson.
Come on China probably has nukes sitting in our cities already shipped in on cargo containers?


Well-Known Member
Not to mention some people will spit the insults to them from a keyboard but not go to the Naval base and tell them to their face. Now that`s smart, but defines a corward.


Well-Known Member
Come on China probably has nukes sitting in our cities already shipped in on cargo containers?

But we would never do that ? The thing about Nukes is the constant maintenance of it`s decaying payload to keep it armed and they can be detected from the Moon.


Well-Known Member
Not to mention some people will spit the insults to them from a keyboard but not go to the Naval base and tell them to their face. Now that`s smart, but defines a corward.
You wont jump in front of a moving bus. Smart, but cowardly.