small spaces (premature flowering?)


Active Member
Hey guys
new to the site and new(ish) to the vast world of marijuana
But ive decided to try to grow my own little plant.

I did some research and learned the basics.
Everything I found required almost an entire room of space for growing. I have VERY limited space. I still live at home and need to keep things as hidden as possible.

While I was surfing the web I came across a company that manufactures hydro systems. And one of their systems was made inside of a computer. And it said you could grow in there all the way to harvest. So that got me thinking of a way to make my own little mini hydro system. I have a fishtank and im kinda an aquarium nerd. But anyways I have a big stand that my tank stands on. So what im doing is growing inside the cupboards of the fish tank stand.

I have a 5 gallon bucket with a hygrometer and thermometer and an aquarium plant growing light over the top. Inside the bucket i have an air pump running to a bubbler disc which produces a ton of really small bubbles that I have right under the plants. I have three seedlings that I germinated and put into some rock wool. They are in a little tuperware that has a ton of holes cut into it. I filled in the extra space of the tuperware with more rock wool for when they get a little bigger. The tupperware is sitting at the bottom of the bucket in the clean water. (im gonna add fertilizers once they start growing out of the rock wool)

Now granted Im not trying to grow anything special just yet. I just wanted to put together a cheap setup and see if I could do it.

Ive read about the light cycles. But what I want to know is whether I can grow my plant to a certain height using the regular light cycles, and then change to the light cycle for flowering to prematurely put it into the flowering stage once it reaches my maximum capacity.
I know you can keep a plant for years by always keeping it under growing light. And it seems like every grower starts the flowering period at a different time which makes me think that I could do it really early and have a small plant but still get some free bud out of it.

So what I would like to do is put it into the flowering stage once it reaches the top of my 5 gallon bucket.

Is this possible?

* I said, im very new to this. So any tips or suggestions anyone has I would love to hear.

Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.
I appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Ok, this is a very common question. I used to grow in my parents house too and it was very hard and VERY VERY VERY stressing. So bad i thought it wasnt even worthit most of the time. But ofcourse i wanted some of my own bud. But i never grew anything smaller than 12 inches. And was lucky to get a ounce everytime i did. Now what you are trying to do is make a stealth grow. This is very risky. But back to the point, idk what the smallest is you can flower. It seems that all newbs want to know all this shit but they never put it into action so i never find out the exactly how small they can be. But because you dont know, doesnt mean you cant try. So go ahead and see what the best you got in growing. But im not sure about your garden location. Someone might look under there and find it. SO!!!!!!..... Here is a possible solution. Read and study this thread. It has an excellent thread, and an excellent idea for you!!! I would highly consider his idea if i were you.


Active Member
yea man thanks alot!
thats exactly what i was looking for. Im gonna do that same setup only im gonna change it slightly to make it a hydroponic system instead. I have had my hydro setup going for a few days and have my first leaves! I spent all my money on setting up my last setup so im gonna grow in the current setup till i can buy the cheaper one. I might even do the whole grow in there for this time. I get paid in 2 weeks. And from what that thread was saying, it appears as though 2 weeks is sufficient time for going from seedling to harvest. Seems a little short for me. But we'll see what happens. I bought a 60 watt plant CFL today. Im gonna need to buy the silo and computer fan some other time.

ill have some pictures up soon
just to show progress and my setup

one question tho...when is a good time to start with the fertilizers for a baby hydro plant when im trying to do such a small and quick grow?

thanks again
I actualy a;ready have a stealth setup in my closet area. i have 2 plants of nameless headies. they were seeds from some plants my dealer grew. but anyways. i am LSTing right now and if i hadnt low stress trained they would already be about 12 inches tall. i have veged for about 17 days almost from 1st sprout and its lookin pretty good the plants them selves are only about 3 or 4 inches from top of soil to top of plant. and i still have about 5 or 6 more days of veg left till im gonna start my 12/12 light sched to start flowering. i have been just using a very high nitrogen soil and feeding with a high phosphate feed and im goiing to switch to a high nitrogen feed in my water when i start flowering cycle. when they 1st sprouted up outa the ground i had it on a 24 hour light sched for growth and now im at 18/6 sched until i start flowering. hope this helps a little. im not to good at putting things into words about what im doing its easier to show lol


Well-Known Member
that is all vry nice but u need a 20 gallon tote a large plastic coffee container a small bag of perlite small bag of vermiculite alaska fish emulsion all purpose and two 40 actual watt cfls. 1-6500k 1-3000k and a splitter it turns one light socket into two, a can of white spray paint and a mini desk fan all can b gotten at lowes except the coffee container which ull have 2 b on watch 4 when ure folks drink coffee . spray paint the inside of tote take a sharp tipped knife and bore a hole 1.5 inches from bottom of coffe can fill with 75%/25% perlite vermiculite mix put ure seedling in doesent matter if its in soil ,rooter plugs rock wool or pete pellets or whatever bore some 1/2 in holes in top of tote lid 2 let heat out . then ure gonna feed water water feed and low stress train that gurl to keep her low for bout two-three weeks in veg then flower ull have some nice smoke and dont let ure friends know about it or ull get popped cause friends ure age cant keep quiet .good luck and stay safe:weed:
you can flower your plant whenever you like, but remember it's going to double (or maybe triple) in size from the time you set it to flower

seedling to harvest in 2 weeks is definitely way off, it's 2 months for flowering alone, plus however long you veg it for