Small review 3 K.C.'s on my balcony/ What's that plant?


Active Member
let's do it. So I got some K.C. seeds from a friend, who got them early 2002 from Amsterdam. So very old ones. I've also read that the K.C.'s got a problem with the germination, but 6 out of 7 germinated ok and 5 of the 6 grew out. So far ok, I live on the Balkans with extrem hot sommer and a lot of sun in my region, so i started the grow on the 13.03.2008 on my window. In the first several weeks i've lost a plant, but fairly it was my bad. So one of the 4 plants left turned out to be a male one relativly early, around the start of june. He was the smallest at that time, and i've killed him :? +++
With only 3 left the actual story beginns... You can see them on the pics down. Well they said me it's K.C. 32 (found nothing about it in internet), not very tall and good for outdoor. Now as you can see one of them ist quite diferent, bigger, greener, different leafpatern.... so I'm not sure what is it. All others were the same, but i do think it's K.C. also. If somebody knows for sure from the fotos, please.... So i've cuted the tops of the plants around early mai, so i can make them bushier, I fed them with a nitrogen mix started with a 1/2 dose (Early Mai) up to x2 dose (early July) than a week nothing and after that a week of mixed nitrogen-phosphor shit (i placed a litle bid more than normal). After that nothing for none of them....
The mystery plant (Alexandra) looks fine after the diet, as you can see on the pics.
The nonflowering K.C. (Dora) has a problem, as you can see on the leafs. Is it a nuteburned?!!!!??? What shoud I do??? The leafs are like that since 3 weeks. Fuck......After i named her after my sister, i shoud do my best to save the future buds...:joint:
SO, the best. You see the small motherfucker, who is flowering in front (Jelena, after my wife) ??? All leafs stripped down!!! Yes that is the other K.C. it was the best starter of all 6, but it turend out to be a bad surprises, just like this fucking porns whit chicks with dicks.... yes, very early (last week of June) it turned bi-genderus, a hermie. So since then i clean him every 2-3 days from the "balls", because i want to smoke it afterall :joint:, some seeds are showing (that's good- feminized), but it's allready in its 6th week of flowering, but no significant buds there. Is it too early?>!!!??? I mean there are a lot of small leafs showing, but no BUDS man... What's wrong? That it flowers in June is some kind of strange, but there were some extream days with T above 40C and i think that shocked her, to turn into him, or it, oooo whatever. Please coment, but not my english, for wich I bag your pardon... :blsmoke:

