Small Outdoor Minigreenhouse


Active Member
I'm wanting to move some indoor plants outside (as its gettings warmer and spring is a few weeks away - in aus ;).

So im looking to build a minigreenhouse setup prob hold 4-6 plants.

i couldn't find any designs on this site, and google on had premade put it together kits.

I was hoping to get details on the best kind of wood and see through corragated walling to use.

so does anyone konw of any designs/setups online i could checkout?



Well-Known Member
I am looking at doing something simalar... here in the states my grandad used cyprus and ceder for the supports for his glass greenhouse.. i think today though for the structure its better to use pressure treated lumber.. (which at least here in the states has no more arscenic in it) Im looking at building a frame out of treated lumber... and then covering it in two layers of 4 mil plastic with a blower fan blowing in between the layers to create more of an air space... (i want to run mine in the winter too)

you could also google "cold frame" that might be something that would work.. if you had a building that was south facing.. or a hill that you could dig into.. you would have a nice little spot ....

home depot and lowes here in the states have the corregated plastic.. but i think i found it cheaper (at least for me as it was made in us) online by searching for greenhouse supplies...

keep us posted.. and when i get some building up.. ill post some pics