Small leak during/after minisplit setup


Well-Known Member
I will go through and explain everything I did but pretty much I'm just looking for some reassurance that im ok...

I installed several minisplits. First two went smooth n operate great. Last one however was different.

I vacuumed to 500 microns, held for 5 mins or so, packed it up and released refrigerant. (410). Just to be safe I sprayed soapy water again. Good outside. Went inside and the liquid line was fine while the suction line had bubbles in two areas around the flare fitting. I imagine it came from the large change in psi when I released refrigerant. Anywho. I used a torque wrench as specified to the correct from/lbs when initially setting up.but I tightened more and stopped one leak. The other was around threads. Very small bubbles so I used some nylog and I'm 99% sure it took care of it. It was my only choice because I couldn't evac system without container to store refrigerant.

Now this was my first install, also I have an engineer degree. So I'm very handy.

I went down to unit and stuck gauge back on and there's still tons of pressure. So Im good I'm assuming. I'm going to check again in few hours tho, if leaks persists I'll have to nylog again. Possibly evac but I doubt it'll come to that.

Now with all this being said. I know I lost pressure and refrigerant. Not alot but some.

So imo I'm assuming I'll just loose some efficiency?

Not sure how much science there is to this HVAC game.

I should be good right?

I'd rather live with it than to evac and add more and re vac. Blah blah.

Thanks guys.
If i felt it was a significant amount of gas or pressure it would definitely bother me.

Also I probably would if I had the tank and knew the exact procedure.

I'll be able to tell fairly quickly if something's not right... I know how many lights I should be able to cool depending on the season and ac.

If something's not right then I will....

I guess I'm just looking for another opinion...

It's no longer leaking so I'm going to be firing her up in a few hours here. I'm redoing some electric first n then I'll let you know....
I went down to unit and stuck gauge back on and there's still tons of pressure.

I know quite a few engineers and none of them are mechanically inclined, but they would most definitely use a pressure gauge to see proper pressures. And the fact that you actually stated you had an engineering degree...

Your unit will not run correctly without the correct charge. You can add a little to it without starting over.