Small grow set up questions..


Hello I am growing one, maybe two plants for personal use, I have the panda film and some standard lamps with long arms.. I am using one 22 watt cool white CFL, will get two in a small while..

How far away from the the top of the plant should the CFL be?

Some sites say 60.96 centimeters. This looks very high to me..

You knowledge would be appreciated..


Well-Known Member
usually you will be able to get those cfl's within 2-3 inches if you can manage your temps decently. just get them as close as you can without burning the leaves


Well-Known Member
Ganga, keep the close, as close as you can. Don't let them touch, contrary to what you may have heard they will burn. You should also consider an upgrade to 42W bulbs.


Thanks for your replies, I now have two 22watt CFL's over two baby's and a fan heater with a thermostat set at 75 °F/ 24 °C as it is winter here, and panda film all in a box the size of a shower recess. My lights are about 2 inches away from the top of the plants.. Is that a good setup? I am wondering how to thicken the stem and when I should start, I heard somewhere that you can just give it a flick ever few days?


Well-Known Member
i would just get a low cfm fan for now and have it pointed on em. a slight breeze is usually enough to get a strong stem. i have a stronger fan than i would like (due to poor temps) and my stems are thicker than they need to be i assume.