Small grow box advice!


New Member
Hi all!

This is my first post to try and receive some feedback on my current grow set up and results thus far.

A little backstory on what I am using:
1.) I have a 16" x 12" x 24" grow box
2.) three 6500k cfls
3.) 2 northern lights auto, one which was germinated in the soil and on in paper towel and then put in soil
4.) soil is fox farm ocean forest

I'm about 4 days in from them both breaking ground and I want to get some opinions. Maybe I'm just impatient, but it seems there growth speed has slowed down. The one on the right was the on germinated in the towel and actually looks worse than the other. Any idea why this would be?

Also, I have watered them only 2 times. That was when they were almost completely dry. I have added no mutes.

I am wondering if I should put them in bigger pots? I want to keep the plant size down since I have limited space, but I still want them to grow. I'm just doing this for personal and I don't expect to be growing pounds or anything.

As I said, this my first grow and I'm sure I've done numerous things wrong, so let me have it!



Well-Known Member
I guess now these are around 13 days old right? Based on your 4 day old pics they looked fine. It sometimes seem like seedlings are growing very slow because they are laying down a root system, especially if you drop the seeds in a big pot. Get your lights a little closer if you can, careful on the watering and all will be good. Good luck!