Small clones into budding


Hey I am planning a small grow of 5 plants in a 1200×1200mm tent. I was just wondering if I take say 1 clone of each plant 2-3weeks before going into 12/12 and just leave them in the same room would they do Allright?


Well-Known Member
you would get something off them
5 plants would fill your tent so why bother unless your gonna use them as mothers
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Well-Known Member
Are you going to let them root first? I don't think they'd build much root mass if you throw them to 12/12 before they root. If you have them rooted and give them two weeks of vedge you'll end up with more in the end


Well-Known Member
Why not fill your area with the plants you have that are already rooted?
Get more yield that way.

But yes if your clones root sure they will flower. Little buds...