sm0ke's 2nd Grow: Cheese in Ebb & Flow


Well-Known Member
Just finished up settin up the grow room again for another great season. Now with a new strain. Cheese from Greenhouse seeds. I am also germing 5 mystery seeds as well.

A couple of them have started to peek out into the world ;)

Wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, update!

Also, I'd just like to remind everyone who reads my thread that you are welcome to post comments, ideas, suggestions etc. in this thread. every post is appreciated. constructive criticism only please!

on with the show

here we are at day 2 of germination, seeing some little bitty leaves:

day 3, stretching a bit more. sprouting it's first true leaves:

day 5, getting there.

Day 6!
They are all looking great. There are a couple that are showing their white root outside of the cube. I tried to tuck it in a but but only ended up scaring myself after bending the root, it's now kinda curved to the side, im interested how this will effect it over time. I'm just hoping they will grow strong and it will work itself out. There's also one that got a bit dried out after it sprouted and you can tell it's very stunted. I'm just gonna let it roll and see what happens. As of now i have a 100% germination rate with the cheese seeds and a 0% germ rate with the freebies that came with them(seed boutique). I'm very satisfied.

Stunted one:

This one i tried to tuck the root back in(it was poking out at the base and it ended up bending it slightly. at least it's not dead. :)

Pics of the roots, they are looking pretty good!!!



Well-Known Member
Are you doing soil?

If so, your tallest and thinnest plants, dont be scared to bury some more of the stem up to soil, some of the stem that was above ground will beging to emit roots and become thicker, plus its just better to not have such long seedlings.


Well-Known Member
looking good im going to watch this 1 out as i want to buy the same cheese seeds
welcome to the thread! thanks for posting. I am pretty diligent about my journal, check out my last grow if you like. I have a great camera and I love to share. stick around!

Are you doing soil?

If so, your tallest and thinnest plants, dont be scared to bury some more of the stem up to soil, some of the stem that was above ground will beging to emit roots and become thicker, plus its just better to not have such long seedlings.

This will be a 100% hydro grow. I plan to bury it a bit in hydroton when that time comes, but i'm just worried about collapse until then.


Well-Known Member
Transplanted them today into bigger cubes. They are looking good.
Right now i'm just running straight water ph'd to 5.7. watering 3x a day and filling the tub for 2 mins. which gets about a 1/2 inch up the cube before turning off and draining.

Any advice on went to start feeding? as this is my first time with seedlings, im not sure. i just gave my clones food right off the bat last time.

I'm also planning on topping these plants possibly several times.



Well-Known Member
Here we are at day 14. I've changed the reservoir once already. I've got about 7 healthly plants. 2 Runts and one thats almost dead. I'm going to top them with the FIM technique in about 5 days.

Any idea on when I should start feeding them ? and at what strength?



Well-Known Member
Hey guys. doing pretty good. Plants are at day 17. I gave them about 20% nutes. They are doing pretty well. The runts have gotten started and they are picking up.

Yesterday they reached their 4th node and I decided to top them. (thanks natmoon). I didn't have my camera so no pics of that. I'm not sure if i did it right, but they are starting to grow again. I think i cut too much and I will only get 2 branches, but in time we shall see.

Random facts:
Day 17
20% nutes (Dyna-Gro)
18 Gal Reservoir
Watering once a day for 3 minutes.
PH 6




Well-Known Member
So they are doing quite well after topping.

I've had some hang ups, I can't figure out wether it's under or overwatering. Also my temps have been getting upwards of 90F. The edges of the leaves are showing a bit of cupping, from which I assume is the light burn.

Also a couple days ago, decided to let the pump run for 2 minutes in stead of 3. coincidentally the next day my plant has pretty much collapsed. It's very limp. It has not recovered.

Any advice?
Watering once a day for 6 minutes(water hits bottom of cubes about 1/4 inch up the bottom of the cube.)
Ph is stable @ 5.8
Nutes at 1/5 strength(day 20)
18/6 light schedule.

Pics: click for bigger

Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated. As always anyone is welcome to post in my journal. Thanks for reading :joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Good news and bad news. I've upgraded my grow room to have an exhaust fan. I also got a new air cooled reflector with a lens! I've lowered my temps by 15 degrees F and lowered my lights to only 12 inches away!

Check it out:

The plants are very healthy. I've since upgraded their nute stregth from 1/5 to 1/4. On a sad note: Unfortunately I'm a dumbass and can't follow directions from other threads. so my plants reacted funny to the FIM. All the leaves came out halved, i obviously didn't cut enough off and or cut at the right time. Anyways, I've since got smart and FIM'd them again in the right spot. All of them grew out the deformed leaves before I cut it again. They are growing slow right now, but they are going to love the light and the temps!



Well-Known Member
damn they look lovely man! count me in! im also doing a green house seeds fem cheese grow in soil though. check it out if ya want. ill be here till the end! ill be doing hydro on my next cheese grow. good luck man!


Well-Known Member
damn they look lovely man! count me in! im also doing a green house seeds fem cheese grow in soil though. check it out if ya want. ill be here till the end! ill be doing hydro on my next cheese grow. good luck man!
Hey JayDRO, thanks for posting. I noticed your thread today and I thought it was great to see someone else grow the exact same thing. Hopefully we can learn from eachothers mistakes. Your plants look great as well!


Well-Known Member
Hey JayDRO, thanks for posting. I noticed your thread today and I thought it was great to see someone else grow the exact same thing. Hopefully we can learn from eachothers mistakes. Your plants look great as well!

thanks bro:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Day 28

Plants are looking pretty decent. However their growth is very slow. I added a tent to my room! I'm going to be rooting clones and growing a mother in this tent. It's enclosed in black and white poly and has 2 85 watt cfls.

Here's a shot from the doorway, notice the monolith on the right haha

Inside the tent, Shows the right side of the tent with a light already set up.

PH 5.7
PPM 522 (1/4 Strength nutes)
Watering 3x day (flooding for 3 mins, highest water depth is 2 in.)

All of the plants haven't really grown much since the FIM. A couple of plants have shot out the new tips. The new tips are a bit light green, which has me wondering. Probably not going to be cutting much after this! I saw their reaction to the FIM and I lowered the nutes to only 1/12 strength(lol i burned my last grow).
One of the plant's set of leaves both turned yellow and browned at the tips. I was thinking burn at first but I'm now leaning more towards a deficiency. They are pretty healthy overall however.

Here is the sickly one, notice the two baby leaves are straight yellow and the biggest leaves are almost a light green

this leaf isn't lookin too hot, shitty pic but comparitivly speaking its about 2 shades lighter then the rest of the plants.

However the rest of the plants are looking good. Except a good majority of the leaves look nice but are dry to the touch... i wonder why that is.

Two new growth tips on this healthy one! Notice they are a bit light green.


Well-Known Member
Day 32

PH: 5.5
PPM: 600
DOSAGE: 15ML GAL (pure blend pro grow only)
FEEDING: Flooding every 4 hours for 2 minutes
LIGHT: 24 Hours
Here's my ventilation set-up

Plants are doing badly. I've seemed to have messed up yet another grow. Lol. It's like I'm always getting backwards advice on this forum. I'm going to stick to my book only from now on. Anyways, New growth is finally picking up again after almost a week of no movement at all. Lower leaves have turned yellow. Some leaves even turn browned and crisped at the tips. The new growth is slowly picking up and I'm optimistic. I'm just going to be consistant, and if they die, so be it.

Here's a few pics, some areals of each plant exluding a couple.

Can you believe this plant is 32 days old? pretty sad.

The healthiest plant

I've also started 6 new seeds. This strain is Black Domina.


Well-Known Member
At There Age, Whats There Water Cyc. And Hows There N.....??? They May Need More Water? And There Nute Levels Brought Up. Jmt's. Db.:)
Lets Talk And We'll Spank These Bitches. Db.:):):)


Well-Known Member
At There Age, Whats There Water Cyc. And Hows There N.....??? They May Need More Water? And There Nute Levels Brought Up. Jmt's. Db.:)
Lets Talk And We'll Spank These Bitches. Db.:):):)
Hey Db! thanks for the reply.

The dose I gave them is 15 ml/gal of Pure Blend Pro Grow which is 3-1.5-4.
I'm not sure what you mean by how much N. The dosage I gave them is what a great majority of people are recommending, and it's the directions on the back of the bottle ;)

They get watered every 4 hours. They water for 2 mins. flood level gets about an inch deep, it does not reach the 3 inch cubes they started in. It just saturates the roots for a min. They were getting before but it was getting to the cube and soaking the cube, causing them to get overwatered(at least I think).

The new growth is looking quite healthy. I topped them for the second time and the vertical growth has been quite slow. The smaller branches are growing a bit however.


Well-Known Member
Im A Dirtbag, Witch Means I Grow In Soilless...!!! But I Clone In The Eb, Come Check The Journal. I Give My Babyies 10-10-12 At 1/4 Str. I Might Be Time To Move Them Up The Nute Scale...jmt's

3= Your N

U Knew That Right.??? Does Your Thoght Pattern Pos. Suggest That An Over Water Issue May Be The Prob.??? Your There Were Not.!!!
With The Vegitation Im Seeing, And The Green Loss Im Leaning Toward Upping The Nutes, Not The Watering Cycle, And Giveing A Little Nitro To The Diet... Ima Link U To Email, He's A Qiucky... If He's Not Here Db. :)