Slowly Harvest


Well-Known Member
Is it okay to cut off the top colas and let the little ones harvest for longer? If so My top colas have a lot of dried up leaves that are now purple and some that are gettin kind of yellow. Should i cut them now affter ive been flushing for five days or should i wait and see if they will turn green again


New Member
The only way they'll green up is if you give them nitrogen... don't do that. If the plants have a good amount of sativa to them, the bottom nugs could stretch on some weight once you get the colas out of the way, but they should at least fatten up so you will get a few more grams per plant.


Active Member
Its ok for the fan leaves to turn yellow. Thats just the plant soakin all the nitrogen it can get. Its perfectly normal and actually gives the plant better flavor when starved of nitrogen at the end of harvest.if the top colas are ready i personally would harvest the whole plant, but if you are not willing to do that... Why not experiment?


well you would definitley put it in shock, which would probably stunt it at least 4 days from doing anything then maybe grow a tiny tiny bit more, i wouldnt bother probably isnt worth it, it may work though