slow start.......?


Well-Known Member
ok so I threw a bagseed in some soil they other day and it has sprouted and been about a week since i germinated. My question is about how long does it take to grow its first node. Like i said its only the two little leavves right now and been a week since germination. So is it growing slow or am i just impacient?


Well-Known Member
It sounds a little slow to me. I usually get my first set of leaves a few days after it sprouts.


Well-Known Member
yea, sounds a little slow to me too. take some pics. you probably need more lighting and make sure its pretty close to the plant itself.


Well-Known Member
yea probably. whats the weather like where you are. if its any lower than like 60 then youll get a huge decrease in the rate of growth. if the temp goes below 32 F. then your going to have a dead plant overnight.


Well-Known Member
well it was at a constant like 60-65 so i was like hell i chuck one in the soil and see but then it dropped to like 30's and snowed lol but its not dead and looks healthy so will see