Slow Growth?


Active Member
Hi all, I've got a super stealth PC case grow happening and I'm only growing one plant (sucks if it's a male but I have all the time in the world).

About one day after it sprouted from underneath the soil, one of my CFLs fell very close to the seedling. The cotyledons had not opened yet and didn't do so until I manually released them 4 days later (the light had burnt it shut). I had initially thought it was dead and would not continue to grow, but she started growing after that and she's up to her fourth leaf set now!

What bothers me is that this plant is TINY. I mean I've seen heaps of pictures of other grows and for a plant that has its 4th leaf set, she should be a lot larger, right? I've attached a picture with my pinky finger as reference.

Other than her size I think she looks very healthy. She's a Northern Lights and this is the 12th day since she broke the surface. What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
What kind of dirt is that? Could be the dirt or the light, how much you water. Here some of my baby pic's~first pic is day 1 other pic is today~ 13 days old!
Picture 66.jpgPicture 121.jpg


Well-Known Member
cfl's are good for keeping node spacing to a minimum...i'd rather have a short bush, then a tall lanky plant...its a good thing IMO


Active Member
It's dirt from outside, but it's good stuff, my other plants love it.

Lighting is Warm White 2x30 Watt CFLs which are roughly 2 inches from the top of the plant. Was 24/0 until yesterday when I decided to go straight to 12/12

Watering schedule was a very small amount each day to keep the roots moist in the first 5 days, and later I switched to watering until it leaked out the holes, every 48 hours.