Slow growin gahhhh


Active Member
Plants are about 4 weeks old. 8 inches tall, 4-5 nodes, growing in 3 gallon potting soil. 250w hps light about 10-12 inches away, temps around 80-85 lights on, 55-60 lights off. Used nutes once way too early, resulted in nute burn, just used nutes again and no ill effects noticeable. watering about half a liter once every 1-2 days. sadly enough i still have no fan or ventilation system.:cry: (These plants were vegging under two 4' floros for about 3 1/2 weeks until the hps came.) any help is awesome.

also if you would recommend more/higher w lights, let me know.


Well-Known Member
you need to get a oscilating fan in there and you need to get a constant supply of fresh air in there!you dont have to get a intake fan,you can make a hole thatll allow fresh air to get in there,you do need a fan to suck the stale air out and that will help keep the temp lower in there aswell,75 would be a better temp.


Well-Known Member
yeah, 70-75 degress f. is way better. the heat slows down the growth for some reason. but you MUST get an oscillating fan or like me, a box fan to blow across the leaves. this strengthens the stems, and promotes healthy growth for the entire plant. It helps to dissipate heat build-up too. keeps my (Miracle Gro Potting Soil) bugs at bay too. fans are cheap, heck even those 'Dollar general' stores carry them now for about $5! If you have these stores if not Walmart or even home depot for about $12


Active Member
thanks all, ill probably go buy a fan today, and ill try to get my girlfriends digi to post some pics. I am warning you, my light setup is probably the most ghetto thing anyone has ever seen. I really appreciate all this help.