Skunkiest LANDRACE - Skunky’est Landrace of all

Just for this topic, let’s exclude all hybrids, exclude indicas and focus entirely on landrace sativas that are one hundred percent (100%) sativas.
So exclude the “mostly” sativas. And Skunk #1 is disqualified due to having Indica and due to being a hybrid.
And I know the definition of “landrace” is being debated. But just to simplify the word landrace on this topic we’ll add to the common definition of landrace that it probably existed before 1970 for many years on it’s homeland.

Which 100% landrace Sativa do you think had the strongest smell of skunk?

Kind Thanks, Dan
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The only skunky landraces I've encountered were Afghan indicas, but I'm curious to hear what other people come up with.
I have heard that Pine Tar Kush,(Tom Hill IBL of a Pakistan land race), occasionally has skunk expressions. I have grown 4 and have not seen it myself. My friend has grown it for 20 years and seen it before.
Afghani pakistani and a few north indian strains are the only landraces you will find that in in my experience cos ive never heard anyone mention skunky with landraces except those i mentioned